Chapter 6. The trust is out there, it's yellow and it hurts

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Shinso pov

I bolted into the bathroom closing the door behind me as instantly flowers start painfully forcing their way up my throat leaving my voice raw.

"Should have known this would happen, he's been too nice for it not too. I got a slim thread of hope and that just makes it worse." I mumble to myslef as blood pours out of my mouth.

"Shinso are you okay?" I hear a soft worried voice say knocking on the door as petals fly out.

"I'm fine Denki, I'm just calling my dads" I say stopping the petals from coming out for a second, just to lie to the love of my life.

"Ah okay well if you need me I'll be right out here" Denki says sitting by the door.

I pick up the phone and dial my home number.

"Hey dad's, just checking in like you asked. I would have done it sooner but Denki and Akasuki-" I say getting interrupted by Mic says

"Wait Kaminari's there?" Mic says laughing as Aizawa lets out a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah anyway I have to go so goodnight, I love you both and I'll see you tomorrow to get school clothes. There's another half day of hero classes tomorrow but I'm sure you already knew. Okay bye" I say frantically hanging up as flowers fly again.

"Dammit" I mumble picking petals up off the floor.

"You okay in there?" Denki asks worry rising in his tone.

"Yeah I'll be right out" I say flushing all the petals and opening the door, feeling a tiny bit better.

I open the door for two seconds before going back into the bathroom being hit with a worse wave than before.

Oh god I'm choking

Kaminari pov

I look at the door confused until I hear a strange sound.

Is he choking or something?

"Okay I'm coming in, I'm worried about you" I say barging into the bathroom instantly spotting him on the floor sitting up and crying as petals, stems, flowers, and blood fly out of his mouth.

Hanahaki disease? Flowers? Roses?yellow roses? Who is hurting you to this extent?

I walk over to Shinso and wrap my arms around his waist.

"It's okay, I got you" I whisper into Shinso's ear as he chokes, letting out a quiet sob.

"You're not alone in this, I'm here" I say rubbing his back as the petals slowly stop.

Shinso tumbles over sobbing heavily as all the petals seemingly stop

"Hey look at me" I say tilting his head so he's looking in my eyes.

"I- I didn't want you to- you to know, I'm sorry" Shinso says sobbing as I pull him up into a hug

"You didn't have to do this alone. I'm always here for you no matter what Shinso. I care about you and I hope you know that, if you didn't before." I say as a couple tears fall down my face

"I kno- know but I didn't want you to know that I was going to die soo- soon" Shinso says as we break apart

"How long do you have?" I ask looking at him sadly.

I can feel it, my heart breaking, with every word he stutters out.

"a couple weeks" He says sadly as I pick him up.

When he looked at me I could feel my heart shattering one final time.

"I'm taller and heavier than you, how do you pick me up-" Shinso starts laughing a tiny bit as I lay him on the bed.

"Denki?" Shinso says looking at me who is picking out a movie.

"Princess bride, Heather's or scream?" I ask walking over to him.

"Definitely Heathers" Shinso says as I put Heathers in and press play, climbing on the bed with him.

"Okay heathers it is" I say putting my arms around him as he leans into the touch, smiling as Heathers starts.

"Hey Denki?" Shinso says looking behind at me after a couple seconds.

"Hmm?" I ask holding onto him still.

"Just please keep it a secret, only a few people know" Shinso says looking down sadly like he may cry again.

"You have my word, I won't tell anyone unless you tell me too" I say grinning as Shinso flips around, laying on my chest.

"Thank you......" Shinso says leaning into my chest.

"Hey Shinso?" I ask sitting up in the bed after a few minutes of us watching the movie.

"Yeah Denki?" Shinso asks curiosity and anxiousness mixed in his tone as he sits up too.

"Are you going to get the" I ask feeling him tense up.

"No..... not unless my parents force me that is" Shinso says sadly looking at the bed.

You oblivious heartbreaker.

"Oh" I say quietly, my lip trembling not noticing the tears streaming from my eyes.

"Denki....." Shinso says wiping a tear from my face and resting his hand on my cheek.

"I don't want to loose you" I choke out, sounding desperate.

"I know and I wish things were different. But the person I love will never love me back and I would rather die than not love him. Even if he will never love me back or even know I love him" Shinso says crying a little at this point too.

Who is hurting you this much? Who would you die over?

"A week is such a short amount of time" I say laying back down on the bed, looking at the ceiling

"I guess we'll just have to make the most of it" Shinso says resting his head on my chest

"Yeah make the most of it" I say sadly as the movie continues.

Akasuki pov

"I'm back and you won't believe it. All the pizza places are already closed so I came back to see what you two wanted. I left my phone here, somewhere-" I say walking up the stairs.

I walk into my room to see Shinso and Kaminari passed out. Shinso's arms around Kaminari and Kaminari grinning in his sleep like an idiot.

"They already passed out, lame" I say laughing and grabbing my phone off the bedside table. Taking a picture of their adorable state. 

"Ugh waking Shinso up is awful. I guess I'll just leave them there and go grab some of the snacks from eariler" I say out loud as I walk back down the stairs.

Wait why did I say that out loud? Ugh I'm tires

I grab some of the snacks and lay down on the couch cutting the tv on and eating some food until ultimately falling asleep as well.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now