Chapter 13. Is it really me?

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Shinso pov

"You- You know how bad I am at this. But I'm going to try, for you" Denki says.

"I haven't been honest with you, I'm sorry. It's just- hard to admit but I don't really have anything to lose now, do I?" Denki says as he squeezes my hand, tightly.

I'm sorry Denki, I'm so sorry

You deserve so much better

"You ca- can't leave Shinso. Not now not yet, please. Eri, Aizawa, Mic and who ever that mystery boy is, needs you to wake up. I need you to wake up. I can't-" Denki says quietly, sobs escaping his lips.

Mystery boy?

Does he really not know he's the boy?

I try to speak once more.


"You- you know how they say 'You can't love someone until you love yourself.' Well that's bullshit... I have never loved myself, but you oh god. I loved you so much, I forgot what hating myself felt like....." I hear Denki say.

He hates himself?

"I won't be able to keep my prom- promise. I can't live without you- I love you Shinso, please wake up........" Denki says as I feel something on my chest.

I can kinda breathe again....

Wait did he just say......

I'm not choking anymore....

Let's try talking again....

"Denki......." I whisper quietly as my eyes open a small bit and I see Denki on my chest, still not noticing I'm awake.

I shift a tiny bit to where I'm sitting up and he looks up at me as a black flower comes out of my mouth.

They've never been black before......

A couple seconds of realization set in as I grab his face and collide our lips. The kiss is short but passionate. As we break apart, our foreheads resting together as he whispers to me.

Kaminari Pov

"What about mystery boy." I asks

"You idiot...." Shinso says, quietly.

"There never was a mystery boy..... It's always been you Denki, ever since we met. I've always loved you......" Shinso whispers as my face changes from confused to over joyed.

I wraps him in a hug as he instantly melts into it.

"I could have helped you the whole time. But I put you through so much pain instead... I'm so sorry.... plea- please don't hate me.... Not that I would blame you if you, you know...... If you did-" I says, starting to cry as the hug breaks apart.

"Listen to me, Denki..." He says, wiping my tears away.

"I could never in a million years. I love you so much that it isn't even funny. I was literally willing to die for you. I want to spend every waking minute and every sleeping minute with you. So no Denki, I don't hate you." Shinso says as I put my hand on his but then pull it away.

I'm an idiot. I can't think. why did I pull away? Stupid, stupid, stupid......

I start trying to fix it instantly, putting my hand back on his as he flashes a smile towards me.

Everything goes great and we just sit there smiling at eachother until we hear a shattering sound.

"You broke another mug, seriously dad?" Shinso asks as I turn over to see Mic standing there, in utter shock.

I look at the floor to see a white coffee mug shattered on the floor of the hospital.

"Shinso!" The adult squeals running up and wrapping both of us in hugs as Aizawa enters.

"It's good to see you too, dad" Shinso says hugging back.

"Well thanks for telling me he's awake" Aizawa says with a tired laugh.

"I'm- I'm so sorry sir that was totally my fault. I got distracted it won't happen again-" I ramble as he puts a hand up signaling me to stop.

"It's fine son, don't worry about it. After all you did save him" Aizawa says as I nod, tears starting to form in my eyes again.

Why am I crying again? It's okay, everythings okay. Wait did he say son? Duh he always says son. This is different though, I could actually be his son in law eventually. Woah don't get ahead of yourself, just because he loves you now doesn't mean he will forever. That's what soulmate means idiot.

"I should go- get the- um doctor" I say excusing myself.

I find the doctor sitting with our crying group of teens, as they look to me expecting some news

I instantly run up to them and start crying as I choke out one thing.

"He's awake"

The Doctor gets up with a smile and walks into his room as our group of teens instantly brighten up, slowly following me back to the room

The rest of the check up goes well, with only a little crying from all the teens. But soon enough visiting hours were over and the other group of teens had to leave.

"I should probably go, visiting hours are almost over-" I try to say being interrupted

"Sir this is my emotional support boyfriend, you can't take him" Shinso says as Mic chuckles.

The Doctor writes something down and continues to look at Shinso.

"You should be able to go home in three or so days, we just have to check on... well everything" The Doctor says moving away from Shinso as he writes something down.

"See that's good news sho...." Mic says squeezing Aizawa's hand

"That's great news" Aizawa replies as Eri smiles for the first time all day.

"He's going to be okay?" Eri asks

"Better than okay, actually" Shinso says with a grin.

"How's that?" Eri asks.

"Because I said so" Shinso say with a laugh.

I really missed that laugh

"Heh" I say quietly.

He opens his mouth, looking over at me. Beckoning me to his side. So of course I follow, slowly at first.

I awkardly make my way to his side. Crouching down so we're at eye level.

How could I not? After all I am the reason he almost died.

"Three days, huh? I've waited this long. I can wait a little longer" He says looking at me with a smile.

I blush and look away quickly. So I didn't notice when he started to turn my face. But soon enough I'm facing him.

He gives me a killer smirk and our lips collide

I could get used to this.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now