Chapter 10. Collapse

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Kaminari pov

Oh no.

Shinso instantly runs out of the room as everyone whispers

I need to make sure he's okay.

"Where is he going? Class isn't over, someone go get that kid." Vlad says as Aizawa gives me a knowing look and I nod.

"Vlad, you're a huge dick and just as crazy as Monoma if you expect him to come back to class!" I say getting up

With that I bolt out of the room running down the halls, looking for Shinso.

"Shinso" I yell as I pop my head in the bathroom.

"Shinso" I yell as I walk into Mic's classroom but it's empty.

"Shinso" I say as I run into the 1-B classroom.

"Shinso" I say running down another hall.

"Shinso" I yell again running into the gym.

"Oh sorry" I say when I interrupt a gym class and run back out.

"Shinso" I say again getting even more worried as tears start to stream down my face.

"SHINSO" I yell one last time spotting him in a dark empty classroom.

"Den-" Shinso starts but I stop him, grabbing him and hugging him.

"I'm so glad you're okay" I say holding him.

"I thought you hate- hated me" Shinso says sobbing.

"I could never hate you" I say crying more now.

"I'm so sorry-" Shinso says crying.

"Shh it's okay, don't worry about that now" I say as I stroke Shinso's back

"I'm gonna miss everything about you. Your good morning texts and those- those stupid jokes. Or that dumb laugh when you get excited and that cute blush when you get embarrassed" Shinso says still holding onto me tightly.

"I'm not leaving your side, not until you're okay" I say holding him tightly as he sobs into my neck.

"Denki I-" Shinso starts but then instantly stops.

"Shinso hello?" I say gently laying him down against the wall.

"Hello?" I say again trying to check for a pulse

"Hello!" I yell this time watching petals fly out of his mouth.

No not today. Not like this. This can't be happening.

"Help someone help" I Scream feeling no heartbeat.

"What happened?" Tetsutetsu asks running into the class.

"He's not breathing, help" I yell crying as he runs out of the room.

A couple seconds pass and Tetsutetsu comes back as Aizawa and Mic run into the room

"What happened?" Mic asks as Aizawa calls an ambulance.

"I don't know but he's not breathing" I say as Aizawa picks him up.

"The ambulance is on the way, this injury is too serious for recovery girl to treat" Aizawa says as I follow him down the hall crying as we pass class 1-A.

"You need to go back to class" Aizawa says as we pass the door.

"I promised him I'd be here" I say as the paramedics finally arrive with a stretcher.

They start wheeling him out of the school as I follow Mic and Aizawa frantically looking at him.

"One of you can ride with him" The paramedic says as they put Shinso in the ambulance.

"You go" Mic says as Aizawa nods and climbs in as the ambulance leaves.

The ambulance speeds away as I stand there watching where it once was.

"I'm gonna follow him in my car but you need to go back to school" Mic says as he starts walking towards his car.

"No please, I swore to him I wouldn't leave his side. I love him, I won't leave him not now, not ever." I say crying.

"At least call your dad and tell him where you're going and what happened so they don't think I kidnapped you" Mic says.

"Remember when I stayed at your house and he thought you kidnapped me" I say as he laughs.

"yEeeeAhh tHat wAs A mEss" Mic says accidentally using his quirk.

"Sorry, I'm worried" Mic says trying to calm his quirk down.

"I am too" I say as we climb in the bright yellow car.

This is my fault. I couldn't apologize to him I had to be an idiot. I should have just apologized. What if those are the last words he ever gets to say to me? The last thing he'll ever say to me was my name. Oh my god I can't lose him.

"Don't forget to call your father and tell him about Shinso so he doesn't think we're stealing you" Mic says focusing on the road.

Who's hurting him like this?

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial my father's number.

"Hey dad, um listen..... The love of my life is in the hospital and I'm going to be a little late later. Is that okay?" I ask quickly.

"Who? wait is it that.... Um the purple haired boy......" My dad says as I chuckle

"Yeah Shinso.... Look can I call you later and explain?" I ask as he sighs.

"Sure son and you have my support... I know how rough it's been since your mother... You know" My dad says as I nod even though he can't see.

"Thanks dad" I say hanging up the phone and staring at my phone wallaper.

We had just got back from our internships. He interned with Bakugou for best jeanist. Him and Bakugou had that awful haircut. Oh god that was the longest week of my life. Is that what life would be without him? That was just horrible.

"Love of your life? You really like him, eh?" Mic says as I stare at the phone screen.

"Like is an understatement.. er- um- I mean-" I try to stutter out, cutting my phone off.

"It's okay son, I understand." Mic says as he keeps his eyes on the road.

I look out the window as the buildings become nothing but a blur, my eyes sting as tears stream down my face.

I wipe my eyes quickly hoping Mic doesn't notice, but he does.

"Its going to be okay, he's a fighter. He's just like his father....." Mic says as I nod.

"We have to get Eri, she's at the elementary school still" Mic says as I nod and we pull into Eri's school.

We walk into the school and go to the office.

They call Eri down and I wipe my eyes.

"Papa" Eri says wrapping him in a hug.

"Kami" Eri says confused but she still gives me a hug.

she looks happy until she sees our faces.

Mic signs her out and we get in the car. There's an awkward silence until Eri says something.

"Papa is he-" Eri asks not finishing her sentence as Mic shakes his head.

"He just collapsed Eri, he'll be okay. I promise" Mic says as I sigh a little.

A couple more minutes pass and my eyes fill with tears at the thoughts going through my mind.

Who is hurting him to this extent? When I find him I swear I'm gonna kill him. Especially after putting my friend through all of this. Who is actually doing this? It's not anyone taken, is it? Are they in our class? It couldn't be me, right? It's not me, why would I even think such a stupid thing. I mean I am pretty stupid so.

"We're here" Mic says as we pull up to the hospital as I help Eri out and we rush inside.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now