Chapter 2. Bonding time

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Kaminari pov

I hope All might doesn't get too mad at Shinso. He didn't seem okay at all. Maybe I should have stayed with him. If he needs me and I'm not there I'd never forgive myself.

"Oh look the cafeteria is still open, come on" Akasuki says pulling me into the cafeteria.

I forgot we didn't go to lunch. Me and Akasuki were too worried. Now that I think about it, I'm starving.

"We missed lunch today so get whatever you want, my treat" Akasuki says as we grab lunch trays

"Oh it's fine you don't have to do that" I say barely able to focus on anything but Shinso.

"I insist, after all you were there for my friend when I couldn't be" Akasuki says smiling brightly at me.

"Oh I wasn't much help......." I say looking down at the checkered tile floor.

"Nonsense, I bet you were more help than you realize" Akasuki says as we grab some food.

Akasuki grabs me and pulls me to the back of the cafeteria, sitting down at a table really far away from everyone.

A few people are still here? They're all 1-B and 1-D kids? Well besides Tokoyami and Shoji over there. 

"So Kaminari, if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you go with the bakusquad and dekusquad to the movies?" Akasuki asks, taking a bite of her apple.

"I was worried about Shinso since he hadn't come back yet" I say halfway paying attention but my mind still wandering back to All Might and Shinso.

"Your sweet, Kaminari" Akasuki says, smiling at me.

"I just did what any good friend would" I say shrugging her comment off.

"I really mean it. You and Shinso have become very good friends. Especially since he moved classes, I take it?" Akasuki says taking another bite of her apple.

We've known eachother for a while now, wow I never realized that......

"Yeah I guess you could say that......" I say barely paying attention as my mind wanders.

"I'm honestly surprised that he opened up to you" She says laughing.

"Why's that?" I ask, instantly snapping back to reality.

"Oh no offense to you, Kaminari. It's just I've known him since we were in diapers. He doesn't let his guard down often. So you must be very special to him." Akasuki says, smiling at me.

Me? Special to him? What? No, I'm not special.

"Oh I'm sure that's not true. I'm nothing special to anyone really" I say as she punches me on the shoulder, jokingly.

"That's not true, really. You got him out of his shell. I could never do that and I've known him for years." She says grinning.

"Yeah I guess....." I say getting quiet.

A couple minutes of silence pass before anyone speaks up.

"So its kinda dawned on me that we don't know eachother well despite being friends since I came to UA. We should play a game or something while we wait for Shinso." Akasuki says grinning from ear to ear.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask curiously.

"A game of ten questions?" Akasuki says still smiling.

"Is that like twenty questions?" I ask.

"Yeah just with less questions, do you want to start?" She says smiling.

"Oh um, if you want you can go first" I say half paying attention again

"Okay, what's your favorite color?" She asks excitedly.

"Probably purple or like a pastel yellow" I say, realizing how dumb I probably sound.

"Oh nice, mine's probably a maroon red or a dark purple" Akasuki says still grinning.

"Your turn" Akasuki says as I think of something to ask.

"Um let's see, what's your greatest memory with your best friend?" I ask.

"Oh that's a good questions, probably when me and Shinso went on vacation in America together. We went to a small quiet beach and swam around in the ocean for hours. His hair looked so funny when it got matted to his head. Oh I almost forgot about when we were surfing and a little kid had the same cat board as him. He later got the most ridiculous mug, it was yellow, purple, and Galaxy colored and it had cats on it. He said it reminded him on someome he knew, how funny is that? Anyway don't mind my rambling, what about you?" Akasuki says laughing at the memory.

"That mug sounds so cute. I'd have to say my greatest memory was when me and Shinso had that sleepover with Eri. He was so sweet and such a good brother. Me and Eri gelled up his hair and put cute pink bows in it. Then we had a fashion show with Eri being the main model. Later we watched the Princess bride, him and Eri fell asleep. They were so cute, so I didn't wake them. But then Aizawa walked in and took Eri leaving Shinso asleep on my shoulder, it was funny." I say, grinning at the memory.

"Next question is a little bit of a personal topic, is that okay?" Akasuki asks with a smirk on her face.

"I want to get to know you better so why not" I say smiling at her.

"What's your type? You know like-" She starts but I interrupt.

"Oh I don't know if I have one" I say.

"Oh really I totally pegged you to have a type. I'd have to say mine is tough but sensitive. Someone who is smart without being cocky about it. A person with strong morals and a passion in their heart." Akasuki says looking over at a girl at the 1-B table.

"Well then I guess I'd say I'm looking for someone mysterious who you can't figure out but someone cute as well. Someone that would greet you with a kiss on the cheek when you get home and cuddle with you all night. A sweet but shy person that can still kick ass. Oh god, how unrealistic does that sound?" I say, laughing a little at how much I just described her and my bestfriend.

"I wouldn't say that, It sounds perfectly reasonable to me" Akasuki says as I chuckle.

"While we're on the subject can I ask what you- you know are? Sorry I'm really trying not to sound pushy and you know what nevermind-" I say, sounding like an idiot.

"Your fine and I'm bi or something like that, I'm not really one for labels." Akasuki says.

"Oh cool, I'm pan" I say grinning.

"Well, while we're on this subject; got your eye on anyone? Akasuki says.

"Yeah I do" I say smiling.

"Me too" Akasuki says laughing as she looks at a girl with silver hair.

"Do you have any preferences? Like personally I like girls more than guys" Akasuki asks looking at me.

"Oh um I never really thought about it much, but I'd probably have to say guys" I say only half paying attention again.

"We should talk about boys or girls sometime, you know friendly gossip between friends" Akasuki says laughing.

I could swear I heard someone yell my name. Am I going crazy?

"Ha..." I say unfocused, again.

What's taking all might and Shinso so long?

"You want to go see Shinso, don't you?" Akasuki asks staring at me.

"Yeah.........." I say, looking her in the eyes.

"Let's go see if all might is done with him then" Akasuki says pulling me out of the cafeteria, towards class 1-A.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now