The poop stain guy

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I woke up in my dusty, odd smelling, old attic. I could smell the old wet wood with a touch of fresh brewed coffee. I must have told him a hundred times that I don't like that devil brew, but it just gives him satisfaction to see my irritated face. Little did he know that I murdered somebody before I crawled into bed next to him last night.

To be honest with you I just hated the poor f*cker, my on and off boyfriend, the joy and pain in my life, Caldwin. We would see each other from day to day or be a year apart. I'm far too complicated to be in a daily based relationship. I need time just for me and a king-size bed to share with myself. I was never the type to settle down. I'm 27 years old now and still don't want somebody at home waiting for me, only for them to call me and tell me that my dinner is getting cold.

Our name is Emmy. Since you are reading my thoughts I thought it would be fair to introduce me as 'us'. They call us Emmy because of our emerald green eyes. Maybe they should call us Jolene, we have emerald green eyes, ivory skin and auburn hair. I'm not even kidding, we are pretty handsome. Besides the good looks we have a serious condition which prevents us from having fun once a month. Many special doctors have looked into it, but nobody can tell us what it is. This subject comes back later in the story when it is relevant. The rest of us will clear up while you are reading this insane story.

Now back to you reading my personal life and private thoughts.

I live in a pretty decent attic apartment. The attic sits on a very old building, the wood is wet and sometimes that gives a weird smell. It is a pretty large space like a studio, with a separate kitchen and bathroom. I divide my bedroom through screens. It has a Bohemian, Gothic vibe. I like the Bohemian style and I have a growing love for black, so I combined the love I had for both of them.

My apartment is located at the edge of the town I live in, Peddicret. Peddicret is a small town hiding behind big mountains and a huge forest. The town is built on a hill, so we have a great view over the river Krakamer and farms which border on Krakamer. There is only one catch to this magical place. The forest is home to many mythical creatures, humans like to call them monsters.The authorities have put them there, so nobody has to see them. The residents of Peddricet are used to them. Most of them have a job as úan catcher, monster catcher. Lots of people still use elvish or Latin terms. My job is related to the úan catchers. I work in the psychiatric hospital where monsters come who don't behave. I work there as a sort of social worker who puts a plan together with the monsters so they can live their lives in the forest again. The other side of the job is hunting them down when they escape. Most of the time I can save them and put them back in a safe environment, but there are many souls in my name who didn't survive a hunt or rehabilitation.

The town has its usual public spaces like any ordinary town. Like a little church, only the church doesn't really fulfill his purpose as a church. It has an underground bunker, we use this bunker to store our (monsterhunters) fighting tools. You will find things such as holy water, silver bullets, crosses, knibbelweed and markilong. I will explain later what their use is. Monsters are still afraid of god and holy objects.Therefore, they will never come into a church. Little did they know that our church isn't holy, heck we don't even have a priest! The church is in the middle of the town, east from the church lies the old exorcism barn. The name tells the barns story really, it was and is still used for exorcisms. There are many people who travel to this town to get an exorcism done on themselves or loved ones. They believe the devil has possessed them. I never went to an exorcism, I can't believe that the devil will possess a human when he already made so many horrors in this world. Every monster hunter or monster worker has to get their degree in monsters. In order to get the degree you must successfully complete a number of courses. Exorcism is one of them. I still need to attend the exorcism class for my degree, but that is a concern for another time. Ofcourse we have our Peddicret Psychiatric Hospital where 90% of the town works, we have our shops, tourism shop (which is an abomination, they sell the most standard monster cuddly toys and other knick knacks. Shit really), cinema and stripclub. Pretty standard town if you ask me, only very small and filled with mythical creatures of which 99% of the human race thinks they are made up.

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