Review#6: What we Left Behind

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Title: What We Left Behind
By: star kisser
Genre: Sci-Fi and Romance
Rating: 4.7/5


The cover truly reflects the plots of your story as well as your description. It is a good cover but I feel like it can be better. The covers are the first thing that readers see, even before the description so it is nice if you make it more appealing to the eyes.

The description is loyal to the plot. A speck of Fie's life reflects through it.

Your characters are well-developed and this is one of the thing that attracted me the most. It is very hard to do, but your character'd nature is pretty obvious from the very first chapter. She has a goal (I knew it from the description) and also, she feels like she has none. The way she looks around her world, and imagines it as a life back on earth dignifies how much unfit she feels here and how badly she wants to go back.

She is quiet, but not so quiet. Her actions show how much of a dull she is starting to become, something she does not wish for. You have used the show-don't-tell technique very well.

Apart from her friend, her grandmother is someone that I'd like to know more about. May be I mis-read but I am not sure if her grandma is blind since she called Fei Rin Hong twice. But I loved how briefly her relationship with her grandma was explained but it told the readers enough without leaving any slot of confusion behind.

The plot is interesting. I'm not a fan of sci-fi's, this story definitely changed the impression. Though, I'd like to know more about this planet. Being a different planet than earth, there could be more things that make it different from earth except for the stars. You do have explained the buildings and roads, yet it lacks the description here. Is the weather exactly like earth here? Are the people happy here? How long has it been since the planet was discovered and people shifted here? What price did Fei have to pay to get here? How come Fei feels unfit here? These are the questions that I would like to be answered. Since you have posted only four chapters, I get that maybe you are planning to answer them later but I feel like the answers should be in these chapters.

Coming on your writing, let me say that it is GREAT. The way you explain your descriptions apparently make me drool because it is that good. Your metaphors are not over-used nor under-used. Your grammar is on-point and you know the art of using the words. As far as I have read, I have not find any grammatical errors.

The quality of your chapters is something that made me read more. Specially the endings of your chapters, they stood apart. The length of your chapters also made good impressions on me. I get that not all the writers can write short chapters but we writers need to accept that the shortness of chapters enchant further interest.

The way you explain her grandmother's wrong calling was heart wrenching. I love cliffhangers but this was so beautiful that I couldn't really stop myself.

Thank you for writing it.


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