Warning! This is a continuation of the first part, if you have not read that part because of the first warning do NOT read this part! It will have heavy topics! This will end happily, but has a lot of triggering topics laced throughout! Also, this is just a bonus, meaning it won't be that long.
Read At Your Own Risk!
Who: Kurono Hari Quirk: Reflect Villain Name: Mirror About the Reader: Chisaki's Sister & Broken/Hurt About Them: N/A Time: Right After Pt. 1 Rating: Fluff & Angst Gender: Female Word Count: 644
(3rd Person P.O.V)
"This is all my fault!" The grey haired male said panicked. "I'll make this better," he said, tears flowing down his face, glowing softly reflecting the moonlight. "Somehow!"
(Chisaki P.O.V)
I walked outside to go look for Hari. I found him sitting on the roof. His face was pale, cheeks were flushed, and he was crying. 'This is all my fault, if I would've only let him be with Y/N this never would've happened!'
"Overhaul! Immediately family gets to visit." I turned to come face to face with Mimic, who was panting. 'Had he ran around looking for me?' "Thank you." He nodded.
Chrono was too far, so he didn't notice us. I walked into the room and looked at Y/N laying there, practically lifeless.
I waited around for hours, waited for her to open her eyes and spring back to her normal self, but nothing happened. I looked at all the scars on her arms. 'All because I didn't allow Chrono to give her the type of love I couldn't.'
I could kill a man, a woman, hell even a child, but this, this was too much for me. Seeing her laying here, seeing all the cuts, seeing how thin she became. How could I not have noticed, the only one who didn't notice.
"Hey, Overjerk, are you doing ok?" I turned to face Rappa and everyone else. "They let everyone in?" I asked softly, turning back to Y/N. "Sure, let." Setsuno said walking over. I sighed realizing what he was implying.
"Who did it?" I asked turning back to them. Everyone looked at Rappa and Katsukame. I sighed and turned back to sit down in a chair next to the bed, ignoring all the possible germs.
"Someone go get Ha- Chrono, I mean." I said. Nemoto walked out in search for the arrow haired male.
They walked back in, Hari was now wearing his mask again. "Yes sir?" "Can everyone else please step out for a moment." Everyone slowly shuffled out of the small hospital room. Right before Setsuno closed the door Y/N fingers started twitching.
Everyone's eyes were immediately on the small, fragile girl. Her hands clinched into fist. She slowly started opening her eyes. "I'll leave you to be with her, love her how I can't." I said quickly walking out. I felt Haris confused stare at me as I closed the door behind me.
(Kurono P.O.V)
I looked at Y/N and she slowly sat up. "Hari?" I slowly made my way towards her. "What is it?" She asked looking down. "What is it that's wrong with me?" I felt my heart ache.
"Nothing! Nothings wrong with you Y/N, I love you too!" I said pulling her into a tight hug. "Y-you do?" "Kai didn't want you to get hurt, so no one was allowed to be with you, but that ended up hurting you more, but now we can be together."
She hugged back with tears rolling down her face. I took off my mask and pressed my lips against her soft, cold ones. "I love you, Hari." "I love you too, Y/N"
(Hey! Look what I made! It's not the greatest you've ever seen, I know, but I'm proud! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!)
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I added more ^w^
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