It's now Saturday and I'm in the garage getting lost in the music as I beat away at my drum kit. Everything just seems to go away when play my drums. I get so lost that I almost don't notice my mum walk in "nicks here" she said.
that was the first thing she said to me since her yelling at me yesterday.
nicks my cousin and is a year younger than me. we go to the same school but he basically lives up the other end of the school so we don't see each other.
Nick walks through the garage door but with someone following behind him. he's tall and blonde... I don't think I've met him before. "hey Ash! This is Luke" he say and I get up and walk over to them.
"Nice to meet ya" I say with a smile and put my hand out to shake his.
"Same here" he says shaking my hand back and returning the smile. "You play?" He asks nodding over to the drum kit and I nod. "that's awesome! My bands looking for someone to play the drums" he states "do you mind playing something for me?"
"Yeah sure thing" I say grinning and head over to the drum kit. I pick up my drum sticks and start playing. I notice Luke has his phone out with the camera pointed at me.
When I stop Luke starts clapping and he has a grin plastered on his face. "What's the video for?" I ask him.
"Im gonna send it to the others, what do you think about joining a band?" He asks
I try not to sound too exited "wow that would be great! What kind of music of you guys play?" I ask obviously not doing too well with the not sounding to exited thing.
"How about you come over tomorrow and you can check us out?" I nod my head.
"You can thank me later" nick says laughing a bit.
Luke had left and nick and i were up in my room with music on passing a ball back and forth while talking. "So, what are the guys like" I ask a bit timid
"They are great, just in for a fun time" there was a long pause before anyone said something else. "you'll be fine, you will get along great" he says almost as if he knows what's going on in my head.
The ball flys past me and hits the wall "nice throw" I say laughing next thing I know is a pillow hits me in the face.
"How about that throw" he says laughing. I pull the pillow off my face and give him a glare and he starts laughing even more. "but seriously, you'll be fine"
that's exactly what was said to me on my first day of school "you'll be fine" yep and see how that turned out. instead of making me feel better his words just seem to make me feel worse.
"Nick! Ashton! Tea's ready!" Harry calls out from the bottom of the stairs and we both jump up from the bed and head down stairs. sitting At the table is my mum, Harry and auntie Linda. I take a seat next to Harry and dig in.
"So Luke wants Ash to join his band" nick says and I wish he hadn't.
My mum gives me a smile "if you want to join the band your going to have to start going to school every day" is what she said and I give nick a look. He mouths the words "im sorry" to me.
"I'll try" is all I say not wanting to promise anything but not wanting to start a fight when auntie Linda is here
"You'll do more than try" she says looking at me sternly and and i just nod still trying to avoid conflict.
Teas finished and mum goes outside with nick and auntie Linda to say goodbye. "did the cat scratch you again?" Harry asks grabbing onto my arm and all I do is nod.
Harry notices more than the others. "that cat really doesn't like you" he says laughing and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
I walk up to my room and lay down and grab out my phone and I have some Facebook notifications. this is very rare as I don't have many friends. I start reading and it's painful.
"Guess who isn't at school again"
"I heard he was crying lol"
"What a loser"
"Maybe he shouldn't come back at all"
The last one was playing over in my head "maybe he shouldn't come back at all" I whisper "trust me, I don't want to" my eyes start to water and I think to myself "I heard he cried" "what a loser" don't cry Ashton. don't cry. my heart starts pounding and I reach under the bed for a knife. the knife hovers over my wrist for a while and I take a deep breath before it makes contact with my skin. unwanted tears escape from my eyes. don't cry, don't cry. I grab a tissue from my bedside table and press it against my bloody arm. and lay there until I finally fall to sleep.
This bit makes me sad :( poor ashy. But on the bright side lukey was introduced!!!! hope your enjoying xoxo Zoe

Drummer boy [5sos]
FanfictionAshton has been bullied through his life and is hardly hanging on until he meets three boys who ask him to join their band. These boys help him get through tough times and give him a reason to keep going.