These weeks had gone quite fast. when I was with the guys people didn't say anything or do anything to me anymore.
it was just class that I dreaded and even then I felt more confident.
Calum had come back to school after being suspended for two days and Michael had gone home and worked everything out with his mum. his mum had decided to stay after my mum talked to his. I don't know what she said but it worked.
This is also the longest I have gone without cutting. I feel... happy. I never thought I would ever feel truly happy with my life but I do.
I was off to my third band practice. I had known these guys for weeks but it felt like I had known them for years.
My school attendance was up. only the occasional day I would skip and my mum was happy."Hi Karen" I said walking into Michael's house and one of my many homes.
"Hi Ashton, how are you today?" She asked wearing a smile.
"Good, my mum asked me to as you if you wanted to join her for coffee today while we are practicing" our parents had gotten really close.
"That sounds lovely, I'll go grab my Pearce" she said walking off and I went downstairs to join the others.
"Ashton! help!" Calum called when I got there "Luke won't get off the phone to his girly" he pretended to throw up and I laughed.
"He's just jealous!" Luke said ending his call with Vanessa. they had been dating for 2 weeks and none of us really liked her but he made Luke happy. That's what matters.
We only knew one song so far but out was coming along well. "let's get to playing!" Michael shouted.
We got through the song today and it sounded alright I guess. "we should post it! and finally introduce our fourth member of 5 seconds of summer!" Calum beamed. they had posted some videos on YouTube and I guess they had some fans. I was a bit nervous to know what they would think of me.
"Wow ash! They love you!" Michael said excitedly.
I smiled at the comment Michael made. "I knew they would" I said jokingly and made a pose. Calum hit me in the back of the head "that wasn't very nice" I pouted.
"No Ashton! don't be sad! Someone needs a cuddle!" Luke said and they all piled on top of me.
They got off of me after a while of me screaming for them to get off. "hey man, we forgot to tell you, we are going on camp next week and you should come!" Michael says excitedly
"I can't, it's Harry's birthday next week and I promised I would be there" I sighed.
How was I going to make it a week without these guys? I started thinking about all the horrid things that might happen to me. they would make up for lost time for sure. I felt my palms grow sweaty.
"We could stay if you want us too?" Luke asked. he must have noticed my change in mood.
"No, you guys gave fun!" I give them a smile hoping it was believable. he nods.
"You will have to tell little Harry happy birthday for us!" Calum exclaimed. Calum was like another brother to Harry
I leave Michael's house that day feeling bit worried. when I get home I feel so anxious I run to the toilet and vomit. breath Ashton, just breath. I will be fine.

Drummer boy [5sos]
FanfictionAshton has been bullied through his life and is hardly hanging on until he meets three boys who ask him to join their band. These boys help him get through tough times and give him a reason to keep going.