"Michael!" I yelled and honked the horn once again. "can one of you two go get him" I sighed.
Luke quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and ran up to Michael's front door. "he's nervous" Calum said in the back seat.
"I know" I said sighing again. I'm nervous too but about different things. I'm nervous it will be just like my old school and I will be bullied again.
Michael is nervous because he's always had Calum and then he had Luke. he's probably thinking 'what if no one likes me' he's not use to being alone. he does have me but we are in different grades.
"You are too" Calum says with concern.
"Of course i am" I turn around to face him "what if it's just like before?" I ask him a bit shaky."If they don't see how amazing you are then you don't need those non punk rock idiots and we can run away on our magic unicorns" he says seriously then cracks a ginormous grin making me burst into laughter.
"You always know how to brighten the mood don't you" I say still laughing.
"One of my specialties" he says proudly "but seriously, you will be fine, you will have Michael, you will show them what an amazing guy you are and they will love you""Thanks" I say and turn back to the front to see Luke practically dragging Michael out of the house.
"You can't make me!" I hear him yell then I see Luke whisper something to him and he nods in agreement. he makes his way over to the car and gets in the back with Calum. I wonder what Luke said to him to convince him to get in the car.
The car ride was hectic as usual. Luke was on his phone and occasionally responding to a rude comment from Michael and Calum kept on whining for me to change the radio station.
When we arrived at Calum and Luke's drop off point the car car got quiet as we said out goodbyes.
once they were gone Michael jumped into the front seat. "well here we go" Michael said and we pulled out of the parking lot.
We pulled into a new parking lot soon after and I took a deep breath. "it will be fine" Michael said quietly in attempt to stop me from worry.
"Then why were you freaking out back there" I said a little annoyed. he doesn't gat to try and convince me that everything's okay when he obviously thinks otherwise.
"Because it's normal to freak out and have a million bad scenarios go through your mind but things will turn out better than expected" he says giving me a small smile. "stick by me and I'll stick by you mate" and with that we were out of the car walking into a new school.
We got assigned lockers and we were happy that they were right next to each other. then we had to split our different ways and attend out first classes
I never thought I would say this but class was actually enjoyable. I didn't make any amazing friends that I would have for life but everyone was nice and I shared a couple of laughs.
"Ashton!" Michael yelled at me walking up to our lockers "how was class?" He wore a huge smile do I'm guessing everything went well for him too.
"The total opposite to what I expected, it was great, what about your class"
"She was, i mean, it was amazing!" She? Sooo there is a girl. I raised an eyebrow at him wearing a big grin "what?"
"Who is she?" I asked but then Michael's phone rang.
"It's Calum" he told me before answering it. "what? Hows he taking it?" Michael said in a worried tone.
"I hate that bitch! Yes Ashton's with me"He passed the phone to me and I already had a pretty good idea about what had happened.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked him. I could hear cars in the background so I'm guessing they were out the front in the parking lot.
"Vanessa broke up with Luke" even though we all hated that girl my heart ached for Luke. he told me that he youth he loved her not that long ago.
"How's he doing?" I asked quickly"Ask him" he said before handing the phone over to Luke and I could hear him sniffling.
"Ashton, how do you live with pain?" He asked me and my heart sunk.
"I'm not the best person to answer that question" I replied. it's true. I tied to kill myself.
"But you lived so long before you tried to end it and now it's all okay" he sobbed again "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be comparing this to what happened with you"
"Pain is pain, no matter how you get it, it still hurts" I spoke gently. where did that come from? There is a pause "you get through it with people you love, I had Harry and now I have you guys, we are always here for you"
And that's when I became some kind of advice expert.... I guess.. I'm so confused. When did this happen exactly.
"You should have your own show" Michael says holding back a laugh once the phone call ends.
"But I thought I was gonna be famous playing in our band!" I whined and we both cracked up laughing.
"I wish" Michael snorted.
Oh wow the irony there XD sorry I just had to do that. poor poor naive boys haha
I'm soooo sunburnt at the moment and I don't want to move but my phone is on 5% battery and you know.... My phone is my connection to what's happening in the world!
You didn't need to know that but oh well.
Anyway, hope your enjoying this, vote and all that jaz pweeeeze xoxo Zoe

Drummer boy [5sos]
FanfictionAshton has been bullied through his life and is hardly hanging on until he meets three boys who ask him to join their band. These boys help him get through tough times and give him a reason to keep going.