We're Having...

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I look at Derek with a worried look as Dr Baxter says something about a surprise. Derek has the same worried look, "Dr Baxter what's a surprise?" Derek asks. She turns the screen more towards us, pointing to the screen she says, "Well it appears you're having twins!" She says pointing out two sets of arms and legs. I see Derek's face go white. I'm not sure what to say, so she continues to move her wand around on my stomach. "Let's see if we can get them to move around to determine the sexes." As she tries to get them to move, I ask, "Why didn't we hear two heartbeats earlier? Or see the two sets of limbs?" Derek eagerly waits for an answer.

"Sometimes the heartbeats, beat in unison so it's hard to tell. And sometimes the babies are so close they appear as one. Ah ha. OK lucky you... A boy and... there's a girl." She finishes. I feel tears running down my face and Dr Baxter hands me a tissue and grabs a cloth to wipe my stomach off. "So we're having twins? A boy and A girl?" Derek says still trying to grasp the news.

Laughing, Dr Baxter hands us some pictures of the sonogram pointing out our boy and girl. "Yes Mr. Grayson." She says and exits the room. He runs a hand through his hair leaving it there a minute, before looking at me and smiling. "Oh my god Maggie! We're gonna have... There's two babies in there." He says pointing to my stomach. I grab his hand and press my lips to his. "Yes, Derek we are. Now let's find a bathroom. I have to pee." I say leading him out of the room.

On the way home we discuss ways to tell everyone. We settled on doing a a gender reveal party similar to Olivia's. "Derek, We're going to have three kids." I say. He looks at me as we pull into the driveway, "Well yeah Maggie, one plus two usually equals three." He answers playfully.

Mom and Ian are out on her porch, once we're out of the car they start to make their way over to us. "Hey mom." I say as she reaches me with a hug. "Hi Baby. So boy or girl?" She asks with eagerness. "We're not going to say anything until we have the gender reveal party." I respond and she rolls her eyes. I lead them inside, Derek stops me just inside, "Maggie, how are we going to be quiet until the party?" He says. "Simple. I'm going to lock you up in the room until the party, because you have a big mouth." I say and he laughs shaking his head. "I do not." He says joining Ian and Jared out back.

I head upstairs and get on my laptop. I quickly look up different ways to reveal the gender. I decided to go with a cardboard box, that has boy or girl written in blue and pink. Pink or blue balloons will come out, in my case both. I hear footsteps and hear mom calling my name, I quickly close my laptop and meet her at the door. "Honey I was wandering if you wanted me to make dinner tonight?" She asks. I nod following her downstairs.

At dinner Laura comes by to see Jared. Bailey has been avoiding me and it bothers me but mom is right. Mom and Ian clean up after dinner. I like Ian being around, I'm glad he came into my gallery that day. "Hey Maggie, how did your appointment go today?" Laura asks joining me on the couch. "Um it went good." I say. "Come on I know you know what you're having, spill it." She says leaning towards me. "Yes I know, but you can wait and find out with everyone else at the party next week." I say.
She, like mom, rolls her eyes as well. "Jared and I are moving in together next week, When exactly is the party?" She asks and I remember Jared will be movng out, but only down the street. "Don't worry it won't be the day you're moving." I respond and she nods. "Maggie, are you nervous?" She asks. Am I nervous? I don't think so, "No, more scared than anything." Jared joins us on the couch, "What are you ladies talking about?" He asks, looping his arm around Laura. We say, "Nothing." In unison. And he just nods.

Mom and Ian head home, Bailey runs to my mom and says she wants to go home with her. "Honey your bed is here and Nana has things to do." I say leaning down to speak to her. She looks away from me and crosses her arms. I pck her up and she starts kicking and screaming. Derek comes in and grabs her from me. "Bailey whats wrong?" Derek aks her. "I'm not gonna be mommy's baby anymore." She says with tear filled eyes. I grab her little hands, "Sweetie you will always my baby, no matter what." I say and kiss her cheek. She throws her little arms around my neck and I take her from Derek. "I love you mommy." She says, "I love you too, Bug." Mom smiles at us and kisses my cheek before leaving.

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