Chapter 6

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"WAHHH...," Camila said amazingly when they enter at Lauren's room, "it's manly."

"I'm comfortable with this."

"Lo, if you don't mind.. do you—like women?"

"Yeah, no worries I will do no harm nor rape you..," and she notice her reaction, it looks like she was having an anxiety, "oi Camz," and she reached her but Camila took a step away from her, "Camila," she moaned when she saw a tear running down from her cheek.

"No, please don't," and repeatedly took a step backward.

Lauren gulped when she saw fear in Camila, "Camz oi, talk to me please," and she was struggling now.


And Lauren embrace her tight, calming her down, "it's me Camz, it's me, your Lolo, listen to me please its Lauren," she said when Camila kept fighting her, trying to defend herself.

"Please don't..."

"It's me Camila, Lauren..," and she felt glad when Camila stopped but not from crying.


"Yes, it's Lauren, I'm here neh, don't be afraid," and rub her back trying to complete her calm.

"I'm scared Lo," and she burst into tears when she bury her head on Lauren's hollow neck.

"I know, I know that, don't worry you're safe now," and she wipe those tears away, "I'm just here," and Camila nod, "good, come here," and she pull her through her bed and they sat down, then Lauren took a water from her mini fridge and gave it to Camila and let her drink it with shaky hands, she waited for her to calm down then she ask her, "what is really wrong with you, until now it is a puzzle to me why you're beaten up so badly, DJ said you had some bruises from your body, what was really happened?"

Camila's tears didn't stop from falling when she finally answered to Lauren, "Shawn—tried to rape me..."


And Camila nod, "he gets mad at me when I refuse, he beat me after that then I manage to escape from him, when he get a hold to me he never stop beating me," and she cried then Lauren embrace her, "I felt ashamed of myself..," and she sobs burying her face in her hands.

"It's not your fault, you just love him."

"I'm sorry Lo."

"No need to apologize, I'm glad because you opened up with me."

And Camila wipe her tears, "because you're a good person, I feel that I can trust you."

"That was good to hear," and she wipe her tears then kiss her forehead, "its fine now, you're safe, I promise you Camz he will never lay a hand on you."

And Camila nod.

For them to ease the awful confession from Camila, Lauren roamed Camila around the house after the confessions, they cook and they swam in the swimming pool, trying to forget what was happened earlier. And Camila was now felt okay.

And Ms. Ally watching the pair being happy, she felt happiness and she believed that Camila is the one for Lauren.

They ended up on movie marathon after dinner. Lauren wondered why all of a sudden Camila stopped from talking about the movie Little Mermaid, at how she like watching it and then she feel Camila's head on her shoulder and she heard her snoring and she got smile.

'Am I falling for you? It's not wrong, right? But it was unfair to you if I keep clinging in to the past,' and took the strands of hair out of Camila's beautiful face, 'you really are beautiful Shizuru,' and slowly caress her cheek, "come on, you need some warm bed," and she slowly carry her trying not to wake her up.


"It looks like our wedding night," Lauren said with a smile when she arms carried Camila.

Lauren carefully laid Camila down on the bed and the hands were still on her nape but loosen in the end. Then she felt Camila's hand touching her hand and hold it and she notice that Camila's hand were perfectly fit on hers and the warmth she like it.

"Camz, from now on you will not shed tears, you only shed tears because of happiness nothing more, if—if you let me because I'll surely make you happy the rest of our lives, that's a promise, sleep tight my princess," and she kiss her on the forehead and pull the blanket and she left the room.

LAUREN was on her way to her room when she noticed the lights on the kitchen are still on so she goes down if Ms. Ally is still awake.

And Lauren was right when she saw Ms. Ally in the kitchen, "Ms. Ally why are you still awake?"

"Lauren, is Camila asleep?"

"Uhh yeah," and she sit on the chair in the counter-like table.

"You did tour her."

"I did."

"Except for one room..."

And Lauren didn't answer staring blankly on the table.

And Ally took it as a yes, "Camila was right, if it keeps hurting you, you have to throw it away," and Lauren glare at her, "I didn't mean to listen, but child you have to move on, Camila was trying herself hard to forget what happened to her, I sometimes saw her thinking so deep, you must also tried and—feel Camila, you will know something that I always see everytime you're together that I'm sure that will make you happy."

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you found out?"

And Lauren sighed, "fine," and she stood, "you better sleep now Ms. Ally, we still have tomorrow."

"I'll follow good night."

"Good night," and she left.

CAMILA woke up with sadness because she knows that Lauren is at work. Then someone knock at the door of her now bedroom. Then Ms. Ally showed herself.

"Hey Mila good morning, I thought you're still sleeping."

"I'm awake now Ms. Ally and good morning to you too."

And Ms. Ally entered and sat on Camila's bed, "you seemed sad, what's wrong?"

And Camila shook her head, "I just miss Lauren."

"I see, I understand, you know that she will comeback, right?" and Camila nod at her, "then wait for her to come home."

"Okay Ms. Ally."

"Come now let's eat so you can take your medicine."

And they left in the bedroom. On the hallway Camila spotted the locked room since it was beside in her room and she thinks that Ms. Ally knows the reason behind that door, the history behind that door.

"Ms. Ally?"

"Yes?" and they stopped.

"Uhmm—I just want to ask something."

"What is it?"

"Do you—know the story of that locked room?" and Ally looked at her like she was examining her, "it's okay Ms. Ally if you will not tell me, I will not ask again," and Ally smiled at her.

"Let's talk about it on the breakfast."

"Okay," and she followed her when Ally started walking.

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