2) Meeting the Uchiha brother

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Hello! I deleted everything but chapter one so I could re-write it! It's going to be the same but with more detail.


It's been a week since the two boys talked. Naruto ran away after the announcement the raven made to the world, and Sasuke never asked for the blonde's number. Sasuke, being the stubborn idiot he was made sure that somebody found Naruto's number.

  "Sakura stop being useless and find his number asap." The raven snapped at the drooling pink-haired girl. Sakura snapped her head up and nodded frantically.
   "Y-yes, sir!" She ran away. Today was just a regular shitty business. Sasuke sat in his office signing papers while his brother, a few rooms across the hall was in a meeting.


"Man you're in some shit!" Kiba laughed at the blushing blonde, who told the brunette of what happened.
  "Yea yea now help me." Naruto groaned. The two had been discussing ways of getting rid of Sasuke but clearly forgot he was one of the strongest men in the country.

that's some deep deep shit man..

"No sir, I'm not getting banned from Japan because of you!" Kiba laughed even harder and almost fell out his chair. Naruto scoffed and dragged the brunette over to his car.


"I found him!" One of the ladies yelled. Sasuke quickly ran over to the lady and looked at the number.

  "Dial it, and get him here by 5 pm asap" Sasuke demanded and pushed through the squealing ladies.

"Little brother..a word?" Itachi smiled at the raven. Sasuke nodded and followed his brother into the room.

  "Your secretary...Ms. Haruno I've done some research on her and found some pretty deep information.." Itachi began. Sasuke, looked confused by nodded anyways.

"About 30 years ago the Haruno company was the biggest company of that century," Itachi said

"What I'm trying to say is.. were allied with the Haruno company now meaning you're going to have to marry Sakura Haruno"


"I AM NOT GOING TO HIS OFFICE!!" Naruto yelled into the phone. He already didn't want to marry the bastard and now he has to have a meeting with him!

  "Yea yea brat see you at 4:30sharp!" She cackled and hung up the phone.

  "Whore..." Naruto whispered

See you at 4:30 babe...

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