20) Wow...about time

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It's been a month since the electric blonde has been in his state. The constant twitches became a Usual thing for the Uchiha and Naruto. Tsunade often questioned the growing of Naruto's belly, and how his arm would twitch when Sasuke intertwined his hand with the blondes. Overall, things were brightening up for the couple. 

   "Sakura?" Itachi whispered to the nervous Haruno girl. Sakura tilted her head to the side to look at the Uchiha. Lately, the couple has been distant, very busy in their own lives. 
     "Have you been alright..w-we haven't talked in ages." Itachi groaned. Swiftly, he wrapped his arm around the girl's slim waist. Sakura giggled as Itachi caressed her stomach.
    "Yea, I'm just nervous our baby's due date is getting closer..." Sakura bit her lip silently. The girl was a whopping 5 months pregnant, and she had no clue what she was doing. 
       "Baby, you know you can tell me anything...right?" Itachi muttered into the girl's ear. In a flash, the Haruno girl was mere inches away from his nose. Her breath hitched. Slowly, Sakura pushed her lips onto the Uchiha. Their bodies heated up while the raven grabbed her a** repeatedly. Sakura's moans filled the air. His soaking tongue slid out of the mouth. Her emerald eyes glistened at the raven's bright eyes.

It was far from over. 

(A/N) Idk how I feel about adding smut for them in this story, I don't exactly ship this 100% 


A full month. I talked to him, I held him, I breathed in that scent I loved so much. His hands warmed up to mine, his body looked like it was ready to move and stretch. The delicious body I wanted to devour so much. I'd whisper his name every time he twitched. His arm would move in a certain way like he was holding it out for me to grab. Every day, he moved. He's still fighting for me, for us. For whatever is coming in the future. Not to mention the way his stomach turned into a small round cup shape. 
     "Baby, the press stopped talking about us so much, I think we're in the clear." I chuckled softly. My hand gripped his hand tighter. 
     "Sakura and Itachi are going to be having their little girl soon, and Kiba's baby was born a few weeks ago."

"Her name is Hinaba..." I could feel my voice fading. Naruto's hands began to shiver as if he was talking to me. I sprung up, my hand squeezing him tightly.
     "...Naruto I-I'm right here...c'mon!" I growled. My eyes began to tear up as his mouth mumbled the slightest bit of words. His body was warming up to my touch. My sobs turned into small hiccups as I looked at the weak blonde. His smile bright as ever, his stomach oddly bigger, and his eyes filled with tears. The tears he's been holding it. His arm instantly found it's a way around my neck. Ours tears, and sobbed merged together as we laid on the bed, 
     "B-baby...I- I missed you so much..." Naruto whispered to me, his cold wrinkly fingers rested on his lap. His smile weak, but bright as ever. That smile I missed so much was with me, I could finally have my Naruto back. 
     "I missed you too...." I whispered back, my arms wrapped around his slender waist. Naruto's head rested on my shoulder. Just as quickly as our moment came, Tsunade came bustling in the room with brimming tears.  Her body standstill as she looked at the weak blonde.
     "Oh Naruto, after all my 15 years for knowing you, you've never been this damn skinny!" Tsunade chuckled with tears in her eyes. Her feet found its way to move as she closened to Naruto, and patted him on the shoulder.
     "Do you want anything to eat, anything at all?" She smiled warmly as my blushing red blondie. Naruto nodded slowly, his eyes glistening with delight. Tsunade's chuckle echoed the room as she exited. The couple was left to reconnect with each other. 

Kiba lay onto of his cold bed, his eyes grey. Kiba's mind raced as he waited for his new baby, Hinaba Inuzuka. His heart still ached from the loss of Hinata, his wife. His days seemed lifeless and empty. It smelt like complete shit in his house, and he hasn't washed in days. Sighing, the brunette opened his phone. Over 20 messages poured in from friends and families for the death of the Hyuga. Neji had recently planned the funeral for the Hyuga, which would happen around next week. Hiashi and Hanabi Hyuga finally came to accepting the Inuzuka boy, only to be too late. His entire life felt completely fucked right about now, and to make matters worse his best friend was in a coma. Kiba's eyes slowly closed as he plopped back onto his bed. Those weak tears, making it down his face once more. 

Rip Hinata

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