12) Dobe

838 37 6

2 weeks later
"Little brother c'mon you've got to get
out my house" Itachi smirked. Lately the elder Uchiha had been sneaking in his comments, and lazy remarks about Sasuke. Sasuke, simply hned and roamed around his brothers home.
   "I dont want to..." Sasuke whined, and looked at his brother with pleeding eyes.
   "Look dumbass if you keep sulking all damn day youre never gonna give me neices or nephews" Itachi snapped, and dragged Sasuke off the couch.
   "Stop touching me idiot!" Sasuke growled, and tried getting the tight grip off of him, but failed.
   "Were going out, be ready in 5 minutes" Itachi smirked. Itachi just so happened to be in contact with one of Naruto's close friends.

"Kiba Inuzuka!" Naruto shouted, and tugged at the brunettes arm.
  "I'm still mad at you y'know!!" Naruto screamed again.
   "If Sasuke makes you happy...g-go for him" Kiba sighed, and looked at Naruto.
   "W-where  is this coming from from..." Naruto whispered, and grabbed Kiba's shoulders.
   "I-ive been in contact with Sasuke's brother...I want you to try and talk to Sasuke" Kiba smiled sadly, and watched Naruto turn red.
   "Y-you'd do that for me?" Naruto said shockingly, and dug his nails into Kiba's shoulder.
   "Man...youre not as much of a jackass I thought you were!" Naruto smiled, and wrapped his arms around Kiba's neck.
  "Yea yea blondie, but we need to get you an outfit." Kiba said, and watched Naruto nod silently.


Black shirt? Check.

Ripped jeans? check.

Messy, but combedish hair? maybe.


   "COME ON SASUKE!" Itachi hollered, and sat on the couch waiting for his little brother.
  "Shut the fuck up Im coming!" Sasuke yelled, and walked down th stairs.
   "Finally, now lets go already" Itachi sighed.


"I-Im nervous.." Naruto admitted, and looked at Kiba.
   "Im right here Naruto..." Kiba smiled, and help Maduro's hand.
  "Dont get any ideas dog breathe" Naruto smirked, and looked at Kiba who smiled back.
   "Well if anything does happen I'll be right fuckin' here man!" Kiba smiled.

  "No I don't want to." Sasuke sighed, and walked behind Itachi.
   "P u s s-" Itachi spelt out.

That is before a big

  "Youre a fucking idiot I swear!!" Sasuke hollered, and looked at Itachi.
  "Wow little brother you've gotten stronger, Im impressed..." Itachi laughed, and kept walking.


"Oh shit.." Kiba smirked, and went to go with Itachi.
   "This is gonna be great!" Itachi smiled, and clapped his hands.
   "Little brother please tell us how it goes"

"Cya sunshine" Kiba waved, and departed from Itachi.

  "Hey you said y-y-" Naruto stammered, and watched Kiba drive off.

"So..." Sasuke sighed, and watched the cars drive away.
   "Uh....so what are we gonna do?" Naruto blushed, and looked at his feet.
   "Ah....lets get some coffee"

--- Tee and Tea's Coffee shop ---

   "Naruto how come...what did I do wrong?" Sasuke muttered, and stared at his coffee.
   "Nothing, you just remind me of...him I dont know how to feel"

"Or how to react to everything right now, and all I think about is you doing me the same way Sai did" Naruto sighed, and looked at the raven who simply nodded.
   "Im not Sai, plus why would I waist my time doing dumb shit?" Sasuke smiked, ans stared directly at Naruto.
   "Y-yea I was just being-"
   "Its fine, just please dont do that shit again k?" Sasuke sighed.



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