Ch 24) Labor

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It was Saturday morning, he was tired of waiting. Christmas was soon, New years was mere weeks away and only a little progress had been made. He needed the answers he had been longing for, she needed them now. Sasuke sat on the couch, his feet kicked up on the coffee table as he ate the breakfast Naruto had prepared for him. Gulping, he trudged over to him.
   "Sasuke.." The blonde boy muttered quietly and sat next to him. 
"Hm?" He responded with a mouthful of pancake in his mouth. His cheeks puffing in and out, and a small bit of syrup dripping down his face. Gosh, he looked a mess, but in a cute way. Were these even possible? No. 

You've got to be strong. He told himself. This was no time to admire his features or the way he simply chewed food. That's the reason why they were in this situation in the first place. Bad communication. 
   "I need an answer...where is this marriage going? Is it even r-real.." Naruto chewed on his lip anxiously. Immediately the raven gulped down his food and turned to face him, finally his attention on him. 
"Marriage? Going where..." His eyes bulged out, his face turning a bright red. What did that mean? What was this idiot thinking about now?
   "Sasuke use your brain please answer my question..." He moaned desperately while placing his hands on the ravens' broad shoulders. 
"I'm guessing I'll have to do this early..." 
Sighing, he stood up. Bending on a knee he asked the simplest question.
   "Will you marry me?"
That's all he had to do? Speak. Then it hit him...

Sasuke was nervous, he was thinking about it. Maybe he wasn't the biggest idiot after all. Maybe there was some hope into the situation. He looked down at him his incredibly stupid goofy grin. The ring was nowhere near in sight. It didn't matter, she'd get it soon. Because the answer was clear for him.
- oOo - 
   "Damn it you brat, always showing up late to appointments!" Tsunade scolded. She turned around swiftly while typing away on her phone. 
"I'm sorry Tsunade...something uh..came up" Naruto smiled, while holding Sasuke's hand tightly. The ring finally on his finger. A 20-carat diamond ring lay on her finger, but there was something special inside of it. A small flower was engraved on the inside. It had orange tips that flowed into a light yellow into the middle. (From my knowledge I don't think this is a real flower but...) It was beautiful, that's all the blonde could think of. Marriage. It was real, it was going to happen. 
Tsunade told him and Sasuke their plans of helping the survival rate. Sakura had done all of these, she spent endless nights working when she should be home with her husband. She sacrificed all of this for Naruto. Blinking the tears away Naruto nodded slowly. His grip on Sasuke's hand got tighter. 
     "Well...alright...." Naruto whispered but truthfully his mind was in a completely different place. 50%? That was great news, the news he needed to hear...
I'm going to survive...
I, Naruto Uzumaki will be one of the first males to have kids!?
"Hey, honey?" Sakura whispered over the phone, her voice barely audible. But a small grunt came from Itachi and the sounds of his keyboard clicking after every type. The man had been working nonstop. He too had been doing his research. For who? Naruto. Everything revolved around Naruto, Sakura loved him dearly and had much respect but...
what about her? What about her baby, and her future? Was nobody that interested in it? Being the adult she was I'm sure the pinkie knew the answer to this. Yet she decided to be picky. 
     "Whatcha doing?" She beamed, adding the excitement to her tone. 
"Uh...I'm finishing up some work, I should be home soon alright?" Itachi responded softly. He missed her too, a lot. A small giggle was heard from the girl. A simple 'ok' and she hung up. Feeling much better about the discussion she was to have with Itachi. Dialing a new number, a sudden urge in her stomach caused her to moan in pain. This You could say that the usual contractions were nothing new but this.. it hurt like hell. She settled herself down onto the floor, panicking she dialed 911. 
   "fuck....I'm going to have this baby a-and..." 
Here let me finish it for you. 
You're going to have this baby without Itachi being there. Because he was stuck at work typing away for special Naruto? No. She couldn't think like that and she knew it...
calm down
That's what she told herself...

Hello babies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Christmas and Happy New Year!

Please check out my new book 'Jumpsuit'! I think you'll really like it

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