16) the barfing Uzumaki

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"Baby...wake up" Sasuke whispered while softly kissing Naruto's neck, and cheek. Scrunching his nose, Naruto slowly woke up.
"mm- Morning Sasu- ow stop..." Naruto moaned while Sasuke sucked at his neck playfully. This was their morning routine, some type of effection, breakfast, and head to work. Except today would be completely different. It was a Saturday morning, and they were to help Sakura with hef wedding preparations.
"Baby, you awake now?" Sasuke whispered gently, and grabbed the blonde's icy cold hand. Nodding, Naruto squeezed Sasuke's hand tightly.
"y-y-yea" Naruto blushed, but managed to slide from under Sasuke's hold. Smiling, Naruto walked into the bathroom grinning like an idiot. Brushing his teeth, and washing his face the blonde felt sick.
"Sasu...I-I don't feel too well..." Naruto groaned, and clutched his stomach in pain as his knees began to buckle. Rushing over, the raven pulled the blonde to the floor while caressing his shoulders.
"Breathe..." Sasuke whispered into his ear. Nodding, Naruto took long breaths and slowly calmed himself down.
"shit I look like a pregnant woman.." Naruto chuckled, now realizing his legs were in the shape of a butterfly and Sasuke's arms were wrapped around his stomach.
"Hn, don't get any ideas dobe" Sasuke glared, and walked out of the bathroom. Something was oddly wrong with Naruto.

"It's OPEN!" Sakura hollered, and waited for the couple to enter. Zooming, Naruto immediately ran to the bathroom while Sasuke went and greeted his sister-in-law.
"Goodmorning Sasuke!" Sakura beamed, and hugged Sasuke tightly. Feeling her bump, Sasuke smiled brightly. He's been doing that lately, imaging how his babies would turn out. That's if he could actually have kids.
"Ah, I see your stomach is growing.." Sasuke observed, and rubbed Sakura's stomach. Nodding, Sakura began to talk about the size of her baby as Itachi tended to Naruto upstairs.
"Shut it U-u-" Naruto barfed in between sentences as he clutched his stomach angrily.
"I wouldn't be talking right about noww" Itachi sang, and strutted around the bathroom. Growling, Naruto slowly got off the floor.
"G-get me a toothbrush..", Naruto convulsed and plopped on the toilet seat. Nodding, Itachi rushed to get a spare toothbrush from their large variety of random stuff in the pantry. Toilet paper, razors, dish soap, and of course toothbrushes.
"Ohh is Naruto okay?" Sakura followed Itachi who simply nodded.
"Eh, he should be fine" Itachi shrugged, while looking through the pantry. Sakura nodded nervously, while playing with her hair. Something was awfully odd.


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