Ch22) Lover is a day

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It was an odd Thursday morning. People were being cheerful, almost friendly. Well, of course, Naruto or Sasuke didn't know this, they were soundlessly sleeping. Sleeping until that alarm clock went off. 


Growling, a small blonde arose from the bed to turn the annoying device off. His hair in all sorts of messy flops. His drowsy eyes brightening as he turned to look at a soundlessly asleep raven. His hair also floppily laying on the pillow, and his nose scrunched up from the tingle of his strands. Smiling, the blonde began the day. Making his way downstairs, he opened the curtains, turned on the news, and began cooking. The aroma of bacon and eggs filled the air. The news reporter talking lowly, something caught his eye. 
  "Goodmorning Japan, Happy thanksgiving!" 

Today was Thanksgiving? A dumbfounded Naruto stared at the brown-skin girl painting a pumpkin, her brown eyes looking directly as the news reporter who asked her a variety of questions. In a flash, Naruto was running upstairs. 
   "Sasuke wake up!" 

"lemme sleep..." Sasuke muttered and threw the pillows over his head. The impatient blonde boy he was, ripping the covers off of him, and pounced on the raven's stomach.
    "It's thanksgiving you bastard, wake up!" The blonde growled. Receiving no response, he began searching his brain for some, while rubbing his belly at the same time. A small grunt came from the raven, nevertheless, he woke up. 
    "Baby you need to stop waking me up this way y'know? Sasuke muttered while plopping a small kiss onto the blonde's cheek. His face glowing a flaming color. The embarrassment finally hitting him, the hormones settling down a bit.
    "S-sorry..." He muttered while getting off of Sasuke. 
"It's thanksgiving today...we should do something."  The blonde hid his face and looked out the window. Snow covering the lawn, and the trees. Winter had come way to soon. The marriage was on Naruto's mind again. They were dating right? He asked that question multiple times. They never actually made it official, and in two months it would be their first year together. The day they were supposed to get 'married'. His heart ached thinking of staging the marriage. How did Sasuke even feel about this? 
   "Get ready, we're going out okay?" Naruto whispered, and left the room.
Maybe it was time to find out. 

Hours later 

The couple walk around, looking at merchandise, and expensive items. Of course, a few guards were there to keep watch of the two. A squealing crowd began to form behind them, Naruto clicked his tongue in frustration. He couldn't tell Sasuke's fans to 'sho' or 'please leave them alone'. They were probably dying to say Hi to him. Obviously, Sasuke wasn't the type to greet fans unless he had to. Giving them a small wave, the raven snatched Naruto's hand and ran into an abandoned store.
    "I'm sorry..." Sasuke sighed apologetically, his eyes giving off a different aura. Quickly Naruto shook his head.
 "'s fine, we can just go home" Naruto chuckled lightly. 
   "No..let's go out to eat..okay?" Sasuke whispered. His hands slowly grasping Naruto's while he dragged the blonde out of the door again. Thankfully, the fangirls scattered around looking for their precious celebrity. The guards too looking quite dumbfounded as to their whereabouts. 
   "What are you craving today?"

"Ramen? I should've known." Sasuke sighed. Grinning, the pregnant boy ran up to the counter to greet the owner. Teuchi. The old man grinned at Naruto, his wrinkles becoming more transparent.
  "Oh naruto, how have you been?" Teuchi smiled warmly and handed Naruto the menu. Even though he'd already known what Naruto would order. Trailing behind him, was Sasuke. Who simply nodded at Teuchi, and slid his phone out.
  "Good Good, this is my uh.."
"I'm his boyfriend, Sasuke" Sasuke replied for him, holding his hand out for Teuchi to shake. Which the owner did.
   "Well I'm sure the whole world knows Mr. Uchiha, the marriage is in a few months from now, correct?" Teuchi asked. A small nod came from Sasuke, while the blonde sat there with a dumbfounded look. He had said it. Sasuke admitted to the role that they stood at, this is what he had been dying to hear about. 
    "boyfriend.." Naruto muttered quietly. His eyes gibbous, and glossy. 
"Welp, I'll go get you guys's food ready?" Teuchi questioned, but left without an answer either way. Leaving Sasuke and Naruto to sit in silence.  
   "Why are you smiling so much, does ramen make you that damn happy?" Sasuke snarled, resting his head on the blonde's shoulder. His body shaking a little while shaking his head. 
"N-no it's just that..this is the first time you said I was your b-boyfriend.." Naruto sputtered. 
   "Wait, really that's why?" The raven questioned while popping his head up to look at Naruto. Nodding, the blonde smiled cheekily. His eyes squinting, and his white teeth showing. Blushing, Sasuke pulled the blonde into a bear hug.
  "I love you."  

"Love you too..." 
Hours later. 

He was kissing me, my neck, my cheek. All of it. I could hear the moans coming out of my mouth while I indulged in his love. Biting my lip, I felt him sucking at my neck. His hands were tangled with mine, his hair rubbing against my neck. 
   I wish things were like this forever. 

"baby..." I moaned. My hands were clutching his back, his lips touching mine. Our bodies warming up to each other. I loved him, those answers came so clear to me now. I don't know what I'd do without him, he's changed me for the better. 
   "you bastard..." 
"I'm so thankful for you.."

(A/N Oh I got some ideas now ;) )

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