14) Hes such an idiot

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"where the hell am I..." I groaned, and looked around at the furnished room. Finally realizing, I began to panick.

I shouldn't be here..

What happened-

"SASUKE FUCKING UCHIHA!!" I screamed, and threw the blanket off of me. Quickly, I was stomping my way to Sasuke's door. What the fuck did he do...what did WE do? Recieving no response, I decided to just...walk in :)

"Awwwww wittwe sasgay sweeepingggg" I admired the raven, his steady snores, the way his hair fell onto the pillow, and how his arms were floppily on each side of the bed.
"Hes kinda...."
"Kinda what?"

"N-N-n-nothing I- waz j-j-ust g-g-onna..." I stammered, and looked left and right for something to complain about.
"Idiot..." Sasuke muttered, and pulled the blankets off of him.
"Are you okay...youre pale" Sasuke smirked, already realizing what I went pale to.

Holy fuck, this guy has a killer body....

"Eh...its nothing......sorry I'll jus-"

"Come here..." Sasuke said bluntly, and waited for me to walk to him.

Which I did.

Soon I was standing in front of Sasuke Uchiha, was he checking me out? Am I sweating? Is my hair messy?

Wait why do I care...hes Sasuke....


"Gah....is something wrong?" I blushed down at him. He simply shook his head, but began to look me up and down.
"Damn..." Sasuke bit his lip, and stood up. His height quickly going up.

Naruto (5'8)
Sasuke (6'2)

"You dont look to bad yourself" Sasuke shrugged it off, and walked into the bathroom. I stared at the bathroom door closing, confused at what happened.
"What the hell..." I whispered and touched my lip, feeling the smile creep onto my blushing face.

Sasuke began to slap water on his face repeatedly, trying to flush the blush off of his face-- Sasuke was panicking.
Sasuke brushed his teeth, washed his face, and sighed at how....

Suddenly a knock could be heard.
"Naruto Im busy..." Sasuke blushed crimson.
"Yea well I need to use the bathroom, and your other bathroom is two stories UP" Naruto growled, and waited for the door to open.
"Youre an idiot..."
"Yea yea kiss my ass I need to brush mi teeth" Naruto yawned.
"I swear..."
"N-n-nothing Naruto" Sasuke blushed at the blonde who had his arms flailing in the air, and his face beat red. Then, out of the blue a small smile could be seen on both of their faces.

"Sakura..do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Itachi sighed, and sat at his desk. Sakura smiled softly.
"Well...think about what makes you happy in the situation...youre parents aren't supposed to control you y'know?" She smiled warmly. Itachi nodded, and gave her a soft smile.
"Theres something about you..." Itachi bit his lip, and continued to talk to Haruno.


"Okay okay Im sorryy!!" Naruto whined, and looked at the shattered plate.
"pass me the broom"
"Just how the hell did you even break the plate..." Sasuke sighed, clearly annoyed. Naruto blushed, and looked down at the floor.
"Youre such a dumbass"
"I WAS GOING TO MAKE YOUR SORRY ASS BREAKFAST" Naruto shouted angrily, stomping around the place.
Naruto's sentence was cut off by a arm wrapped around his waist, and one covering his mouth.
"You never shut up, do you?" Sasuke sighed, and looked down at the blonde. Naruto looked up at him, his blue eyes shimmering with confusion and excitement, his spiky hair appearing more..flopping down on his skin, and oh that perfect skin...

Sasuke wanted it...
all of it...

"I guess we'll just have to teach you how" Sasuke smirked, and watched Naruto's eyes grow big.
Sasuke moved his hand away from Naruto's mouth, not giving him a second to catch his breath the raven plopped his lips onto Naruto's. Naruto stood there in shock, his eyes still wide.

"sasuke.... do....you....love...me..." Naruto said in between their kisses.
"What kind of question is that...you really are an-" Sasuke was interrupted by a pair of lips onto his, Naruto wrapoed his arms around Sasuke's neck, and pushed him back to the silver refrigerator. Instantly, Sasuke picked up the blonde, and deepened their kiss. Sasuke, exploring Naruto's insides, and Naruto, leaving bite marks onto the raven's lips.
"Say it..." Naruto begged, when they departed for air.
"Please...say it"
"I..." Sasuke kissed him

Naruto's eyes grew as the tears began to fall down his cheeks, his cheeks bright red, and his lips curving into a smile.
"Why the fuck am I so emotional" Naruto sobbed, and wrapped his arms around Sasuke once more.
"Idiot...Im always going to love you" Sasuke smirked, and squeezed Naruto tighter...

Its just us

[SN] The Fake Marriage💍 [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now