A Spicy Meeting

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Spice's PoV:

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,

I dreamt I held you, in my arms.

And now that you're here, my dreams are waking,

And I will keep you from all harm.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy, when skies are gray,

You'll never know dear, how much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Spice woke up with a jerk, the echoes of that familiar voice still haunting her half-asleep ears. The face of that pretty little boy with emerald green eyes and raven black hair floated sublimely in front of her eyes. It was familiar, but alien. She picked up her dream journal and started writing down the details. But the moment she wrote the date, it was gone. Her mind scampered around for the details and she couldn't recall anything. She closed the dream journal in defeat and put her head in between her knees.

Memories closed in on her and she started to whimper from apprehension. Those memories haunted her every day. Memories where she was tied down and violated by men who had the stench of alcohol covering their dirty unwashed bodies, their mouths spewing out slurred curse words that she didn't know the meaning of at the mere age of fifteen. Her body ached in unmentionable places at the memories and she squeezed her knees tighter to hold herself together.


Spice jumped up and noticed Faunia peeking into her room. Faunia was her room-mate and sister and basically her only family. The memories were washed away at the sight of Faunia's pretty eyes and her bob of brown hair.

"What?" asked Spice, still sleepy.

"It's morning!" said Faunia.

"So, what the hell am I supposed to do? Photosynthesise?"

"No, you dummy! It's my first day at the new firm and you are supposed to help me get ready!"

"Oh yes, sorry. I will be there in a minute."

Spice gave a satisfied sigh as she finished doing Faunia's hair. She looked at her best-friend who hugged her before leaving for work. Spice was an orthopaedic at the City Hospital and after having done her hair and wearing appropriate clothes, she left for her own work.

"What number is this?" asked Spice's co-worker as she downed the seventh cup of coffee.

"Seven," said Spice.

"Seven! Goodness! You must cut down on the caffeine."

"Listen, Blaise, I have been here since eight in the morning and now it is twelve-thirty at night. That crash site gave us a hell lot of victims and treating all of them was chaotic. And some of them may have psychological problems as they kept muttering about some man with green-monstrous eyes and a blue cube and shit like that. I have to take a break before I head back to their rooms and start tending to their fractures."

"Alright, doc. Take a break, I will handle it."

Spice went up to the roof top and smiled as the cool air hit her face.

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