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Spice's PoV:

After being abducted from the Wakanda airport, Spice ended up in a strange place. The place was filled with unearthly creatures and each of them had their own special powers.

She hated everything in here. She hated the uncanny white-haired Grandmaster, she hated the lady who stood beside him with a stick that he had used to melt people with. The stick scared her. She hated the woman who had abducted her, telling her that her name was Brunnhilde. Spice had watched with utmost horror as Brunnhilde sold her to the Grandmaster, expecting the worst. Later, when she realised she was being sold only to fight, it was a slight relief.

Spice hadn't been allowed to enter the fighting pit for two weeks. She was instead being forced to undergo gruelling training sessions. Yes, she was trained well; she could now conjure fire without her sword, she could conjure her own weapons with fire. She didn't need the sword anymore but she used it anyway because it was an assurance. The sword was the physical proof that she was more than what the rest of the world had forced her to be.

When Spice had thought that she was properly trained and that she could finally ask to go home as the fighting pits seemed to be the right answer, the Grandmaster refused, saying that she needed more time to train. The thought of being trapped in this planet made her desperate and she did the only thing she could.

She stopped eating.

She missed her home. Ever since she had arrived on Sakaar, she had made attempts to call everyone she could think of. She had called for Tony, Peter, Steve, T'Challa, Bruce, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Bella, Fury, and everyone else. But nobody could hear her.

Fearing that he would lose a 'big investment', the Grandmaster allowed her to participate in the tournament against his 'Champion' where if she won, she would be allowed to leave.

Not finding another way, Spice had agreed, where she found herself behind the doors.

She waited for the doors to the fighting pit to open, hoping she could finally go home.

When the doors to the pit opened and Spice saw who she was up against, the depressing feeling of homesickness disappeared. There, in front of her was The Incredible Hulk.

Spice stood her ground and reached out towards Hulk, smiling widely.

"Bruce," she said softly, her fury and loneliness ebbing away at the sight of an old friend. "Bruce! I am so happy to finally see you! I thought, we all thoug-"

Spice's words were cut short as the Hulk grabbed her hand and threw her across the pit, her back hitting the edge with a sickening crack. She stood up, the pain in her back flaring.

"Bruce," she said again, her voice slightly broken due to the pain. "Bruce, its me."

The Hulk charged at her and she knew she needed to defend herself. The one fighting her now wasn't Bruce. It was Hulk, a creature incapable of showing compassion.

She conjured a shield with fire and stood her ground as the Hulk attacked. The shield stopped him for a while but he was too strong. She applied more strength to the fire but it wasn't working. The Hulk was still breaking through.

The shield was working at the expense of Spice's energy and very soon she started panting, feeling short of breath. Just like a matchstick in a wind, the shield was extinguished as she fell to the floor, staring blankly at the Hulk. She saw him charge at her and closed her eyes, expecting the blow.

She was thrown up in the air and she heard the crowd cheer. Her back hit the wall again and this time, the crack was worse. She screamed horribly as she crumpled to the floor, spikes of pain tearing at her from the head to her toe. The Hulk jumped up into the air and pounced on her.

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