Nightmares and Memories

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Loki's PoV:

"If you fail, you will wish for something as sweet as pain."

An annoying bleeping sound woke Loki up and he looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. He turned around and went to sleep again.

"I will torture your brother first, and then, I will leave you for the last."

The same annoying bleeping woke Loki up again and he turned around, only to be woken up by the same bleeping sound, this time, followed by the sound of breaking glass.

Annoyed, he looked at the clock. It was three in the morning.

Realising that sleep had abandoned him, Loki strolled around the apartment that Spice had let him have. In the other room, Barton and Selvig were occupied with the tesseract. Loki had found the perfect hiding spot, even though his insides seemed to form a complex knot every time he thought about his betrayal being exposed to Spice.

He hadn't seen Spice for three days, ever since she had handed him the keys to this apartment, although he knew she was there. The bleeping was from her alarm clock and, just like an annoying mortal, her habits were annoying too.

The alarms were set one hour apart though Loki could not think in his wildest day dreams why. The vision about Thanos' torture still freshly etched in his mind, he walked out of his apartment and tapped lightly on Spice's door.

He wanted to escape from Barton. Barton was a member of SHIELD and he had convinced him to say everything about everyone just so he could use the private information for his own privilege when needed. So, after making sure Barton wouldn't keep anything away, Loki almost regretted it. Barton would NOT stop talking about a woman named Natasha Romanoff's red hair, her deadly fighting skills, and her skills with Russian language. Loki needed to get away from Barton for some time at least. Moreover, Loki needed Spice's warm companionship to chase away the ugly memory of Thanos and the nightmares that were still etched in his mind.

"Who is it?" asked Spice in an extremely sleepy voice and Loki could see her crimson messy hair in the dim light.

"Are you alright?" asked Loki, noticing a red spot on her wrist, approximately where he had cut her on their first meeting.


"I heard glass shattering."

"You couldn't have- even Faunia didn't wake up."

"Well, Asgardians have heightened sense of hearing. Do you mind if I come in?"


Loki was taken aback by the sudden tension in her voice.

"Why not? You seem to be in desperate need of help. And luckily, I tend to feel the urge to help you."

"No," said Spice, opening the door more and Loki had to choke back on a gasp. He had never seen Spice with open hair and she was looking beautiful. Her thick crimson hair cascaded down to her hip and Loki felt a slight twinge inside him.

He wanted her.

The God of Mischief was known for his insatiable sexual appetite, but this was a new feeling. It wasn't sexual- not completely- he wanted her. He wanted to twist his fingers in her hair, gently hold her waist before softly kissing her lips, feeling her hair fall against his face as he would deepen the kiss.

"Loki?" asked Spice again and Loki was pulled out of his train of imagination.

"Yes," said Loki. "Why can I not come in?"

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