Chapter Six//Certainty

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Namjoon had been surprised when Lucy had shown up at his apartment that night after their call, her loud knocking breaking the quiet calm of the dark and starry night that had cut around her silhouette in the doorway. She'd been upset earlier that day when he'd called, and he hadn't expected to see her until later that week. Especially in such an abrupt and unannounced manner.

She'd looked so tired when she showed up that Namjoon had refused to let her go home and she'd slept over. Except, neither of them had done much sleeping.

The entire night, Lucy had tossed and turned, frequently sitting up and flipping her pillow. At other times, she'd sit up and gently punch the pillow under the pretext of "fluffing" it. Her restlessness had, in turn, kept Namjoon up all night. He bit his lip, anxious over his girlfriend's troubled state of mind.

However, in the early hours of the morning, he had finally drifted off to sleep, Lucy lying still beside him, just out of his arms' reach.

In the morning, as the gloomy clouds cast a sickly pale through his curtains, he'd woken up alone. The sheets were ruffled around him and his tan arms reached out to emptiness. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes, it wasn't unusual for Lucy to leave before he'd woken up. She had a busy schedule after all.

He found it weird though when he didn't see her familiar pink toothbrush on his bathroom vanity. She had left it there the second time she'd stayed overnight, hating the fact that she couldn't brush her teeth when she decided to sleep at Namjoon's apartment.

It caused a lump of anxiety to form in his stomach, but he tried to push it away, reminding himself to not read too much into the small act.

However, he found himself preoccupied as he started his day, spilling coffee all over the counter and kitchen sink, spacing out as Taehyung asked him which library had the best resources on World War II, and as he sat at his desk in his office, mindlessly clicking the file to the song he'd been writing with Lucy.

When the file opened, it was empty. There wasn't a single MB in it. No draft. No mastered versions.

Their song was gone.

Namjoon felt himself begin to panic as he searched each and every file on his computer, hoping that he'd just misplaced the mastered mix.

After extensive searching, and a call to Taehyung to ask him to search his at-home equipment, Namjoon was at a loss.

He couldn't seem to find any type of file pertaining to the song anywhere, not even in his recently deleted folders.

It had all simply vanished.


Lucy's hands shook when she handed her manager the USB drive. On it was countless versions of the song Namjoon had written and produced with her. She hadn't been sure which one she would need, but she knew that she couldn't leave Namjoon with any of them.

She couldn't leave a trace.

With a smile, her manager took it and plugged it into his laptop. She waited with bated breath, studying the upper-level managers and producers gathered around the table. Tyler had requested a meeting be arranged for her that day so that she could present herself as a solo act. The middle-aged men all wore expensive suits and expressions that told of their near-indifference. They made her stomach turn.

Tyler's hand on her knee underneath the table only twisted it into tighter knots.

She watched as the men began to nod their heads in approval as the song her manager had begun progressed. The beat was fast, but still slow enough to keep its ballad style. Even the vocals had been recorded, Namjoon had insisted Lucy sing it alone, and so even his voice left no trace in the song she had handed over.

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