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15 years before the giant war where Gaea loses...

"If I could see you, I would say you are beautiful" a sleeping voice said on a small island in Alaska. She was talking to the little newborn in her highly unusual arms. They consisted of dirt, leaves and branches.

"I'm asleep for now." she continued. "But that won't last forever. As soon as I wake up my love, as soon as I win, I will find you. Together we can rule the earth. My earth".

The baby started to cry. The earthy woman calmed her down by rocking her in her arms of roots and sand.

"Close you're eyes, darling. Fall asleep." she said with a tone of tiredness in her voice. "Once you wake up, you'll be with your dad. I've got a war to fight. I'm going to win but if I don't... I have you. My secret weapon".

she put her vinger in her baby's mouth.
"Yes, if everything Goes wrong, you'll finish what I've started. You'll take revenge on the Gods by taking their children. Now drink this"
She gave her baby a big bottle of golden fluid. The baby drank the bottle quickly. After that she began to glow golden for a second but after that she looked like a completely normal baby. Except for the green locks in her dark brown hair and her eyes. At the moment they were closed but behind her eyelids was the most beautiful pair of eyes. One of them was like the bark of a tree. Different colors of brown and dark stripes trough that. The other one was green like the leaves on a tree in spring.

"You just drank the blood of al the gods" the woman said to the baby girl. "From Zeus to Ceres and from mars to Poseidon. Now when you fight their halfblooded children, you will take their power and own it until you're done with the fight. Just like my other children, I created you for a purpose. I created you to kill demigods"

She smiled satisfied.
"Now go to your father. He is just a mortal man but he will treat you well. If I fail you wil finish what I started. You have to kill al the demigods my child. But only if I fail. Your just my backup plan".

The sleeping goddess fell down on the ground an became one with it. The baby fell naked next to her and disappeared in the ground as well. The island were the last weapon from Gaea was born was now abandoned. It seemed like noting happened there.


Somewhere in Alaska, a man opened his door. It was midnight but the moon was nowhere to be seen. On the doormat was laying the naked baby girl with  green strokes of hair. The man grabbed the baby quickly and held her tightly against his chest. He looked again on the doormat, to see if there was a note or something but the mat was empty. he took the baby inside rolled her in a blanket and went to the fireplace to make the little girl warm.
"Where's your mama?" He said while he was warming up the cold baby. He stared at the little freckles face of the tiny girl.
"Can I keep you?" He asked after a while. "Are you Gaea's daughter?"
The baby opened her eyes. The man saw the different colors and sighed. "You are. You are her daughter. My daughter. I'll take care of you, whatever Gaea is expecting of you. Her intentions are bad. I'll protect you" the baby made an approving sound. The father hugged her tighter.
"Hello daughter" he said again. "Hello Ava."

Daughter of Gaea~ Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now