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I was laying in my queen size bed. The bed was so big for me that it made me feel even lonelier then I did before.

I was watching the little light above me swing. I tried not to puke. The sea made me nauseous. I couldn't sleep. It was to much. My dad died in front of me. I'm the daughter of a mud woman and I was probably going to kill all the demigods. It must be after midnight. I was thinking for so long now..

Then the ship hit a big wave. Everything went up and down. Puke went up in my mouth.

Yikes that was something dirty. I couldn't stay in my cabin anymore. I needed fresh air. I walked trough the dark hallway to the stairs. I heard a guy (probably frank) snoring loudly And I felt sorry for his roommate.

When I got up I heard the sea. The sky was black and moonlight shined beautiful on the waves. The stars were clear. I could see a couple constellations.

I thought I was alone. But then I saw Percy sitting against the mast. He was looking at the sea. Annabeth told me that he is the son of Poseidon. He must be glad to be so close to the sea. But he didn't look happy at all.

I figured that he wanted to be alone but when I tried to walk downstairs again, the wooden floor cracked. Percy turned himself to me.

"Who is there?" He asked. His voice was shaking,  as if he just cried.

"Uhm..I just wanted to get some air" I said carefully. I did not want him to attack me again. Everyone seemed eager to attack me.

"It's Ava, by the way"

His reaction was totally different than I expected.

"Come sit down then".

I walked to him, happy that he asked me. I sat down next to him but not to close. Every time I came close to a demigod, I wanted to kill them so badly that it was hard not to do anything.

Now that I was close to him I saw that his eyes were red. On his cheek was a very thin scar from a long time ago, that I only saw because of the weird lighting. He looked like a sad puppy.

I don't know what was going on with him but I wanted to help. Even though I didn't know him.

"Where are you looking at?" I asked.

He swallowed. "I'm looking if there are any monsters".

I frowned. "Monsters? Like griffins? Or like....giants made of earth and have six arms? Those aren't dangerous for us,  right?"

Percy looked weirded out. "Not dangerous? Those things murder allot demigods, have you never been attacked? You're powerful. I can feel it. I was surprised that you aren't already killed by one of them"

My head was full with questions.

"Do they kill demigods? The ones that I've dealt with kept their distance. They looked at me but they never came really close and when they did they bowed for me"

Percy looked even more like I was a nutter.

"They bowed?" He asked. I nodded. A painful memory came to the surface.

"But I've been attacked" I said while I was looking down. I was playing with my bracelets like I always did when I was in a serious situation.

"Well I'm not attacked. But the day before yesterday, my dad was murdered by one of them".

It wasn't my intention but I told Percy the whole story. also about the part that when I asked the monster to die, he did.  When I was done he looked at me. He felt sorry for me.

"I'm really sorry about your dad, Ava" he said.
"But when you asked the monster to die, he just did?"

I nodded. After telling the story I cried a little bit. I tried to do it in silence but Percy probably heard it.

"That's like every demigod dream" he said.

There was a silence. Percy looked at the ocean again. Thinking so loudly that I could almost hear the screams of pain inside his head.

He looked like he needed to talk. Maybe not to one of his friends. Maybe to someone he didn't know for so long. I recognized the scar on his cheek. It's simple. It's from a fist. The way he flinches when someone comes close... I saw it before. In one of my classmates. His dad was very very violent. I don't know why but I knew that Percy has been abused.

"And you?" I asked. He looked at me with a questioning look.

"I mean, I know that you're dad is, well a Greek god but you're mom, how is she?"

He smiled at the thought of his mom.

"My mom is great. Her name is sally Jackson and she is the greatest person ever. She has a boyfriend, Paul Blofis but I call him Paul Blowfish. She has a thing for fishy guys"

He laughed longingly. "Blue.." he muttered.

"Uhm..Is that Paul...the one who's abusing you?"

Percy looked up. His face looked shocked but he seemed relieved that he didn't have to tell it himself.

"N-not Paul.." he said. He looked so ashamed. I bet that he just wanted to jump in the water and swim to Alaska.

"I won't tell anybody" I assured him. His eyes stood gratefully . He wanted to tell someone but he was too ashamed.

"My mom had a boyfriend once. His name was Gabe. I always called him smelly Gabe because he smelled like ass. He abused us. My mom and I. He is the only giant that I couldn't slay. He didn't know what mercy was."

A tear rolled down his cheek. It didn't surprise
me that he was so shattered about it. Even though he had been trough Tartarus, this was something different.

"He punished us but we did nothing. He hit me Over and over again. Until I was out cold for a week. He let my mom starve until she passed out at work. Then he gave her so much food that she puked all over the place. He stabbed me. He did it all"

Percy was shaking although it wasn't cold.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"Gone" Percy said. He looked up at the sea. More tears came in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Percy. You didn't deserve that. From what I've heard You're a hero". I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Ava. I'm sorry that I'm so messed up right now. It's just that in the war I didn't  have  time to think about the past. And now that it's over.. Well was over."

I looked away. That hurt.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that".

I shook my head.

"Don't apologize. I know that I'm not supposed to be here. You fought you're war and you won"

It was silent for a while. In those minutes I realized that for the first time in my life, I made a friend. It made me happy. I trusted Percy, and he trusted me. He shared things with me that even annabeth didn't know.

I looked at Percy and saw that he had trouble with keeping his eyes open. I stood up and held my hand in front of him.

"You go to you're cabin and get some sleep. I've got a feeling that you're gonna need it tomorrow. I'll keep watch for monsters. They don't attack me so I don't expect any trouble."

Percy grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

"Are you sure?" He asked and he yawned. I laughed.

"Yeah, go to annabeth and sleep"

He nodded. Then he did something that I didn't expect at all. He gave me a hug. A big warm hug. And I hugged him back.

"Thank you" He whispered in my ear.

"You're welcome".

He let me go and walked downstairs.

Daughter of Gaea~ Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now