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Jason called us all on deck. Also Ava . Gods I hated that girl.

When we were all upstairs, our ship was sailing close to a boulevard. Jason and Percy didn't even had to say what the problem was.

In a park close to us, more than a hundred monsters gathered. They were all standing around something.

"I want to know why they are here. They might be looking at a demigod".

Percy nodded. He was playing with his Necklace. "Yeah I wanna check it out too"

Hazel stepped in. "I'm going too. I can hide you under my mist. We don't need a monster attack. We need to be in Alaska in 3 days"

Percy turned himself to Jason. The dark circles underneath his eyes were not gone, but his skin was slightly less transparent. He didn't sleep with me last night but he was gone the entire night. He said he slept in the mess hall so I wouldn't freak out when I noticed that he wasn't on deck.

"Can you fly us there?" Percy asked to Jason.

"Yes I can" answered. He held his hands up and Jason, hazel and Percy were carried by the wind.

"We'll be back in a minute" Percy assured us. I walked to his flying body.

"Be careful, seaweed brain"

"Of course, wise girl"

tHe wind took them away, toward the what seemed like fangriling monsters.

The monsters didn't even notice that Percy, hazel and Jason were there. They walked on there tipie toes around them and looked. my friends looked shocked. They pointed at something, but at this distance I couldn't see what it was.

"What are they pointing at?" Frank asked to no one in particular.

"No idea...but it's something bad" piper said.

I could see hazel gasps and she put her hand on her mouth. She lost focus and the mist wore of.

All the monsters looked at them and growled loudly. Percy, hazel and Jason pulled their swords.

"Oh no" Ava said. "They'r gonna have to fight."

She was right. The monsters came closer. Percy lashed out but missed.

Next to me piper gasped. She pointed at something at the right side of the street.

"Look!" She said. I saw what she was pointing at. Another 50 drakons were coming for them.

Hazel screamed at someone. A little boy came running at them. He had dark, messy brown hair, almost black and he couldn't older than six or seven. he looked crazy much like Percy even from this distance.

Percy gave him a strange look. Hazel grabbed his hand. He looked scared out of his mind.

The monsters came closer now. They attacked them. Percy summoned some water and Jason struck them with lightning, but there were too many.

Jason got hit by the claw of a chimera and Percy was burned by a drakon. They were fighting but they were loosing.

Hazel tried to get away with the kid but she was stuck. They were surrounded. Percy and Jason looked helpless and hazel too.

"We have to do something!" I said to my friends and Ava.

"But what?" Frank asked frowning.

Ava looked at the ground as if she was getting an idea. "Frank, can you get me there?" She asked. Frank looked confused.

"Yeah, But What are you gonna do?"

Ava looked frustrated. "Just get me there!"

Frank nodded. "Okay okay" he said.

He changed himself into a giant bald eagle and took Ava in his claws. They flew to the
monsters and frank let Ava go.

Ava ran with her thin legs towards Percy, hazel, Jason, and the boy and stood in front of them.

What happened after this is still Amazing.

Ava stood there with her arms spread. She looked angrily at the monsters. She looked immensely powerful. She shouted something in Ancient Greek. It sounded like a command. The monsters all backed off immediately, and ran away.

Percy and the others were looking at her, admiring her.

Jealousy...cut it away Annabeth..

what she did was amazing. She demanded the monsters to leave...and they did. It must be her mom. Gaea ruled over so many monsters...they must recognize Ava and listen to her. I'm not lying when I say that Wasn't the dream of every demigod, but I found it terrifying at the same time.

Percy and Jason were hurt pretty bad. Jason was leaning against hazel, who was still holding the hand of the little boy. Percy almost past out, but Ava caught him. She took his arm and put it behind her neck so Percy wasn't taking any weight.

The little boy said something to her. Jason concentrated and flew them back and they landed on deck.

I stared at Ava, who let Percy go. He fell against the mast. Ava walked back. She looked scared of herself. What she did with the monsters...I was just.. I was speechless. I was impressed.

They were all badly injured by the monsters except for Ava. She wasn't harmed.

Piper went straight to them to give them nectar. Ava stood next to them, a little uncomfortable. I probably had to say something but I first went to Percy.

His eyes were somewhere else. When he saw me he muttered. "Ann...Beth...I'm sorry". He was bleeding all over the wooden planks. I shushed him.

"Shut up, seaweed brain"

He smiled. I gave him a a little brick of ambrosia. He cleared up immediately. He stood up, leaning against the mast.

"I'm going to lay down for a while" he said. He walked to the stairway. Jason walked behind him.

"Me too".

Hazel was busy with the little boy. He was bleeding too. And crying. He looked even younger then 6 close up.

He had a cut in his arm and face. His sea green eyes were watery and his brown hair was all over the place, just like Percy's.

"What's you're name?" Hazel asked on a nice tone. She held the hands from the boy. She was kneeling before him.

" s...sebastian" he said. He looked shy.

"Hey Sebastian" piper kneeled next to hazel. Sebastian's eyes got big when he saw piper.

"How old are you?" She asked. She made her face look so beautiful, that I wanted to scream 17!

"I'm 5" he said. He sounded surely now. Probably because of pipers voice.

"You are pretty brave for you're age" hazel said. She frowned to him. "But how did you do that. How did you do that with the water"

I looked weirdly at hazel. She gave me a wait-for-it look.

"I don't know..." the boy said. "But I'm not going answer any questions! Not before I know why I'm being hunted by crazy beasts, how that girl over there send them away, why I was flown to a ship by a wounded boy and why I'm here!"

He looked adorable I must say. But everyone who had something from Percy looked cute in some way.

"I'll explain everything" I assured Sebastian.

But He shook his head and pointed at Ava and piper.

"I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time trusting people. The only people I will listen to is the girl with the crazy eyes and the beautiful woman".

Daughter of Gaea~ Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now