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Goshes I was scared of myself. I literally demanded an army of maybe 300 monsters to leave. And they did.

The little boy Sebastian, who looked freaky much like Percy, wanted to talk to piper and me.

I get why he wanted  to talk to piper. He had  a little boys crush.  But me? I looked like a crazy person with my different colored eyes and hair. But he wanted to talk to us. And so we talked with him. And damn, he was a brave 5 year old.

"First tell me one thing" the kid said.

With every word he reminded me of Percy. His voice, his expressions, his face....

"What the hell am I?" He asked. 

I looked at piper. She didn't know what to say. We both kind of knew for sure that he was a demigod but you never know. He might just be the son of a giant or something. But no. We both knew he was a demigod and not just a demigod.

"I'm going to tell you but you need to...not freak out" piper said. I flinched by hearing the charm speak she used. Every time one of the demigods used their powers, all I want to do was kill them. And those feelings were getting stronger by the minute.

Sebastian nodded. He had the same glow in his eyes as Percy. 

"Have you ever heard the myths of the acient Greek Gods?" Piper asked.

Sebastian's eyes got big. "Yeah! They are super cool, You know when Zeus goes like BOOM than Poseidon goes like PSSSSTTTT and then everyone is like AAAAAHHHHH!" he smiled. Piper facepalmed. 

"So you've heard of them? That's great! But did you know that they really exist?" I asked him. I couldn't stand another word of pipers charm speak.

Sebastian looked confused now.
"They are real?" He asked frowning. Piper nodded.

"And you are the son of one of them" she said.

I made my hands in fists and squeezed out of anger. A warm drup of blood landed on the wooden floor. My nails went all the way up in my skin.

"But that makes me a half god" he clarified for himself.

"Yes. They are called demigods" I Said. "Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and I am..." I stopped. I didn't know what to say to the kid. He must be freaked out already, I can't throw even more on his plate. But what did he know? He doesn't know that Gaea is an evil mud pie so why wouldn't I tell him?

"I'm the daughter of Gaea" I said firmly. It felt weirdly satisfying to say that. I couldn't help the smile on my face. Piper gave me a weird look. A worried look. But not for me. For her and her friends.

While piper and I were staring in each others eyes, Sebastian was losing his patience.

"Guys.....who is my father then?" He asked.
I shook pipers eyes of and looked back at Sebastian.

"Well, we wanted to ask you that question" Piper said. "You seem very powerful, and you're good with a knife. We don't know who you're father is. Yet. He has to tell you that".

The boy frowned. "When will he do it?"

"It usually happens when you're about 13 years old. But I don't know. My mother claimed me when i was 16. It may happen before that time or after".

Sebastián sighed. "13... that's in like forever". He looked around the ship. "But what are you doing here?"

Piper and I looked at each other.

"We're on a quest" I said. His eyes widened again.

"A quest? Like a secret mission? Can I join you, please?"

Piper laughed. "I'm sorry Sebastian but we need to get you to camphalfblood as soon as possible. You're really powerful and you're the son of...well we don't know that yet."

I could hear that piper almost said ' you're the son of Poseidon' but she didn't dare to. She wasn't sure I think. I was tho.

"Camp whatnow?" Sebastian asked.

"Camp halfblood" I replied. We'll tell you all about it but now you need to eat. Let's go downstairs so you can meet everyone."



I went to my room with the intention to get rest but sleep didn't seem to come. All I could think about was the face of the little kid named Sebastian. It was like looking at a picture of me when I was 5.

Jason told me what the kid did. He controlled water to fight monsters. He fought them off with a knife. He was definitely a demigod. Was he the son of my father?

But its impossible right? I can't have a brother, can I? Poseidon isn't supposed to have children with mortals. I'm an accident. Is he one too? He also could just look like me. But what about the water? He felt, how can I describe it. watery. Familiar.

Even though my head was pounding I stood up. I could hear footsteps in the hallway, walking to the mess hall.

"Do you sleep in this sailboat? That's so cool!" The voice of a little kid said. Even the way he talked reminded me of me.

I opened the door and followed them in the mess hall where Everyone was sitting around the table. There was no chair left for me so I stood in a corner, my eyes fixed on Sebastian.

Nobody said anything for a while. The eyes of my friends went from me to Sebastian. They were comparing us. Sebastian didn't seem to notice it.

"So.." piper said carefully. "What do you want to eat. You can choose anything you want"

He looked exited. If he was anything like me this meant that his wildest dreams came true. To choose anything he wanted for breakfast.

"Anything...oh wafels please! And a bowl of captain crunch!" He said.

Piper looked at her cornucopia. "Do you want blue wafels by any chance?" She asked.

Annabeth looked at her with a what-are-you-aiming-for expression. She replied with an I-don't-know-but-look-at-him look.

Sebastian didn't seem to be bothered by the awkward silence in the room. I doubted that he even knew what awkward was.

"My food can be blue?!" He screamed out of excitement. "That's the best thing EVER".

Piper smiled. "Blue waffles it is then."

8 plates filled with ocean blue waffles shot out of the horn. Sebastian gasped but then attacked his food like it was the first thing he had eaten in months.

Annabeth cleared her throat after eating a bite of waffle

"So Sebastian. Can you tell me a little about you're parents? How did you come here?" She asked.

Sebastian looked up. "Ohw uwm" he said with a mouth full. He swallowed loudly.

"I lost my mother when I was attacked by weird animals a couple days ago. I don't know where she is and I'm not allowed a phone yet. I was looking for her. And my father, well I don't know who he is. Apparently he's a god  " he said softly.

Then the thing happened that confirmed everything. Above Sebastian's head appeared a glowing trident, the sign of my father.

Out of hazel mouth escaped a little scream. All of the others gasped.

"I knew it" murmured Piper.

"What" Sebastian asked. Frank pointed at the sign above him.

"You're Percy's brother" Annabeth confirmed.

I was sure now. I have a little brother.

Daughter of Gaea~ Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now