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I never felt so great in my entire life: I was flying on the back of my sweetheart Festus. His bronze body was hot under my hands but I didn't  care. Hot is my middle name.

Behind me was the other love of my live.

Calypso had her arms around me. Her head was laying against my back. Her cinnamon scent was so strong that the  air around us was filled with it. Then there was something else. Maybe the best thing...I found a bag of fonzie's in my pocket. Could I have anymore luck?

But the luck didn't last long.

We were flying over the Mediterranean for ages. Calypso was sleeping on the back of festus and I had trouble keeping my eyes open.

Festus made a few approving sounds.

"Yeah, can I sleep?" I ask.

"Trrriijjp trrrriijjp"

"I'll take that as a yes".

I relaxed all the muscles in my body. I felt calypso's body behind me and festus' body beneath me. I was surrounded by body's that I loved. I closed my eyes with a smile and fell unconscious expecting not to be tortured by stupid demigod nightmares. But of course I expected wrongly.

My dream started on the deck of a boat. For a moment I was filled with happiness.

Am I back on my Argo? But no. I saw allot of flaws. Things that could have been attached better and a whole lot of missed opportunities for different boobytraps for attacking monsters and stuff.

It was night in my dream but there was one person sitting on deck. It was a girl that I didn't know. In the bright moonlight that reflected on the water I could see her face. She had the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen. One was spring green and the other wan was  forest brown. Her face was full of little freckles.

She looked badass  in her 90s style. She had straight legged brown jeans on and a red Nike shirt. She had a carhart  denim jacket over that.

If calypso didn't exist I would probably flirt with her. She seemed cool. But not as cool as my cinnamon calypso.

She looked over the sea. Her face stood serious, like she just had a conversation with someone and thought about the subject. Then she smiled.

The dream chanced. I wasn't on the off brand Argo two anymore. I was on an island.

It was colder than it should be in New York at this time. I looked around. From the other side of the island I heard a voice yell.

"No! Please Ava..don't..."

as soon as I heard the voice I ran it its direction. I recognized the sound of the voice. It was Percy's.

When I arrived my hart dropped for a second.

All of my friends were laying on the ground.

They all were unconscious. They all were badly injured. They were covered in cuts and slashes. Annabeths eyes were rolled in her socks. Pipers hands were on her neck like she was being choked. Jason looked like he was hit by his own lighting. Out of franks body were sticking a few arrows and it looked like the energy was sucked out of him. Hazel was dirty of sand and around her were laying a few gems and jewels.

Percy himself was barely able to stand.  He was completely drained. His dark hair was standing in every direction. His clothes were soaked in water.

In front of him was the girl that I saw on the of brand Argo. Her beautiful eyes stood wild. In her hand she had two swords. Percy's and Jason's. On her back was Franks bow and and arrow.

"Please don't Ava. You're better than this. Break the curse. Safe yourself and everyone else. Please Ava"

Percy was bagging now. He walked to her. I screamed that that wasn't a good idea but Percy seemed to know what he was doing. He put his hands on her shoulders. The girl named Ava hesitated for a moment.

"Please..." Percy said. Ava's face was full with anger. A wave as big as a building formed itself above Percy. He looked at it with a terrified face.

"Fight Percy!" I screamed but he couldn't hear me. The wave dropped on top of him. For a few seconds there was noting else then water in my dream.

the water disappeared and Percy was lying on the ground. He didn't move. I'm not even sure if he was breathing. The girl Ava was still standing there, looking at the body's.

How could she beat Percy like that? The kid is water itself, I mean, every dish of him is blue.

I didn't had time to think any longer because the earth beneath my feet began to shake. It was like a huge earthquake. Ava screamed. The earth began to crumble and I fell down yelling for mercy.

"Leo" a voice said somewhere far away.


I jumped up. I was still on festus' back and calypso was sitting behind me.

"What?" I asked stressed. "Is there a monster?" My hand lit up.

"No silly" she said. "You were screaming like a crazy person. Did you have a dream?"

The dream came back. The flashes of my friends on the ground, hurt or even dead...i got goosebumps. I needed to go to them. Save them before what I saw in my dream actually happened.

"We need to go to America" I said to calypso and festus. "We need to save my friends"

Daughter of Gaea~ Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now