I found these photos on Pinterest.
This is an official promotional photo of Rey from The Rise Of Skywalker.
And this is Ben's.I love both of these! The color and lighting are beautiful.
I wrote this chapter most importantly because I wanted to share these pictures with all of you. But secondly to look for any theories and predictions I can find in these pictures.
I know that a lot of what I am going to say is just going to be speculation, but there are some hints to what might happen in the movie in these.I will start with Ben.
What I think is interesting about Ben's promotional photo is that the background is the same as Rey's. Which looks like the same location as this scene to me:I think pretty much everyone knew that he was there because this is his tie silencer:
So, unless someone stole it. (Which I would not deem wise) he was definitely on this planet with Rey. And not just a Force connection, he was actually there.