Chapter 1

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Grian's POV

I woke up in my base, as the first rays of sunshine hit my face thru the large windows that made up most of the main tower. I got up slowly, stretching my arms above my head, befor thinking of what to do with this new day. As I was thinking abou my options, I got myself dressed in an oversized red hoodie and some gray pants. After putting on my shoes and combing my hair, I decided to continue working on my base for now. I put on my elytra and grabed some building supplies from my mess of a storage system, i you could even still call it that. "I'll have to fix that at some point.", I thought out loud. Taking one of many small rockets in my hand, I launched of the ground and right throu the big opening at the side of my futuristis tower. I continued to work on a few walls that needed to be finished as well as continuing to work on the big outer ring.

~~time skip~~

Hours had passed and the air started to grow colder, as the sun was setting sending it's last few rays of light as a good bye. I decided to quickly stop by the shopping district because I was running low on rockets and knew that I would forget to get them in the morning. Letting out an exhausted breath, I took off and flew over to the rocket shop, at which I had probably spent multiple stacks of diamonds at this point. I walked in bought two stacks and was about to leave again.
But all of a sudden I hear a call for help. Not hesitating I lofted myself from the ground and flew into the direction of the yelling. Looking down at the ground I could see False being chased by three creepers, her elytra was brocken and it didn't look like she had a sword on her. As I put my hand to the side I realised that I didn't have my sword with me either. Quickly looking at my inventory, I realised that I didn't have much of anything on me, exept some eggs...

False's POV

I flew over to the shopping district to bjy some supplies for my base, I ddin't think it would take long and decided to save inventory space by leaving my tools at home.
After buying everything I neede, I tried to fly back to my base... emphisis on tryed. I only managed to get a few blocks into the air befor falling right down, my elytra was broken. 'Great, now I have to walk...', I thought to myself. Anoyed I started walking home. Well I was walking until I heard a hissing sound behind myself. I turned around to see some creeper standing in a poorly lit store, and it seemed like they had seen me to, because now they were following be at a rather quick speed as I ran for my life.
I was getting exhausted and called out for help, hoping that someone, anyone would hear me.

I was cornerd and thought that this was the end of me, I wated for the explosions to come...

But they didn't... instead I heard the cracking of what sounded like... eggs? Behind the creepers was a shadowy figur throwing eggs at the green monsters that had been chasing me. "Come try to catch me!", yelled the person as they threw more eggs at the creepers. The walking blobs of gunpowder obciously didn't like that and started following the stranger. Even as they took of into the sky, the creepers continued to follow them... away from me.
I stood there confused as to what just happend, but decided that getting home wa smore important for now.

Grian's POV

I didn't think this would actualy work, the creepers were following me and had lef False alone. I led the monsters that were following me twowards a cliff, befor throwing more eggs at them and pushing the down.
I looked back to wher False was earlier, to see that she was gone. Asuming she probably ran home, I decided to fly back to my own base... feeling like a hero!

~~time skip~~

The next morning I woke up later then usual, and yet, I was sill tierd. I put on my clothes, not bothering to fix up my hair. I had decided to go for a morning fly to try amd wake myself up a bit more. I put ln my elytra and took of into the blue sky above.
The wind in my face made me feel free of all worry, flying around the server always made me feel better.
After a while I found myself above the shopping district again, seeing other hermits already at work and running around like mice. One of the many people walking around caught my attention tho, False was talking to Stress and Cleo. I was happy since she looked unharmed. I wanted to fly xloser to say good morning, but the I heard something interesting...

"--I was backed into a corner my those stupid creepers, as someone showed up and saved me by throwing eggs at them!", False explained as I landed on a nearby roof. "Eggs? Who uses eggs to fight a creeper?", Cleo had a confused look on her face as she questioned the actions of this stranger. False thought for a split second befor answering, "I don't know, I couldn't tell who it was, it was way to dark". "So we have a new mystery hero on the serevr? One that throws eggs?", Stress giggled as she said that, not meaning it to serious.

I decided that I had listend in on the conversatikn for long enough and took of to continue my morning flight and heading back into the direction of my base. As I flew above the many shops and buildings, one word was stuck in my head... 'hero'. I know Stress didn't mean it seriously, but I still liked the thought of it and after all, I had been getting bored lately....

I landed back in my base and started to plan a few things, this would be a great oppertunity to use an old trick of mine...


1049 words

That was the first chapter for now, tell me what you guys thought of it!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'll try to keep the to a minimum ^^'

a small explanation:
- respawning doesn't exist, death is permant, hence why False was so scared

You'll find out more in the next chapter,
Bye for now!

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