Chapter 2

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Grian's POV

I was looking truh my chaotic mountain of chests and shulkerboxes, for something I could use to diguise myself. After all, a good hero needed a good hero costume. The only thing I could finde where some masks I had used in some of my old pranks. Non of them sparked my interest, until I found a chicken mask! It was honestly the best fitting thing, since my whole thing seems to be throwing eggs, oh well. I took the mask out of the chest and looked around for anything else I could use to hide my apperance. Since I didn't own a costume or anything, I had to settle for some regular clothes for now.
I picked out some dark pants, a pair of sneakers and one of my many red hoodies. The only difference between my other hoodies and this one were the two white stripes on the sleves.

I had decided that it would be best to wait for it to become dark, befor I would leave. It would be easier for me to hide my identity in the darkness.
I was super excited, I had always wanted to be a hero, even as a little kid! But that wasn't the only thing making me happy! After all, I had a little secret that the other hermits didn't know about.

Befor I joined the Hermitcraft server, I was part of a server called Evo. Tho things didn't work out to well for me there and I ended up becoming a watcher. Being a watcher was lonely, the other people on the Evo server couldn't see me and the other watchers only talked to me when they neede a new build for one of their riddles. When I finaly managed to get away from them my lonlyness ended, I made new friends on other servers but never stayed in one place for to long. There was one good thing about being a watcher tho, and no it wasn't the ability to come up with a riddle for anything and everything. It was the wings. Every watcher had them to make it easier for them to watch over the players. Thinking back to it, I never figured out why they called us "players"...

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even realise that the sun had already set and was now replaced by the moon. Not wanting to lose any more time, I put on my mask and pulled my hood over my head. The next part would be a bit more difficult. I had to concentrat to summon my wings, it had been a whil since I last let them show. Even tho I hadn't done it in a while, it still felt natural. My big white wings grew out of my back in one smooth motion, unfolding themselves behind me. I was happy that I remembered to cut wholse into the back of my wine red hoodie, otherwhise this would have hurt alot.

Making sure I had both my sword and many many eggs, I flew out of my base and into the darknes of the night sky. The moon covered the world in a soft white shine, barely enough to make out the shapes of buildings and trees. There came another one of my abilitys as a watcher in handy, nightvison. Yet another trait that all watchers shared, in order to make it easier to watch 'players' during the night time or in caves.

The mask hid my now glowing eyes, as I headed into the direction of the shopping district. Being able to fly without rockets was wondeful, I had just realised how much I had missed this. Up here it was only me, the quiet rusteling of leaves in the wind, the calming noises of the ocean, the cool wind in my face amd the phantoms circeling mumbos base--- WAIT WHAT?! Phantoms?

While it wasn't unusual for the mustached man to stay up during the night time, it was unusal for him to be outside durinh such late hours. I flew closer to the big ball that was his base and saw him afk next to one of his farms. The only problem with this was that this absolut spoon had forgotten to place blocks above him, to keep him safe from the phantoms flying around the night sky.

As one of the phantoms flew down to attack Mumbo, I flew in between and took the hit for him. Quickly recovering I attacked the living nightmares and killde them mkd air with my sword. After the last of the phantoms was gone I landed next to Mumbo. I shook my head at his forgetfullness and started buliding a quick box of dirt around him. Befor closing it of tho, I threw a few eggs inside to spawn a chicken inside with him. I placed the last block amd headed back to my own base to take care of the wound I had recived while protecting my best friend.

After cleaning the wound and covering it with bandages, I decided to rest for the night, or at least what was left of it. Flying with my own wings was fun and alot faster than an elytra, but it also used up more of my energy. I would have to get used to it again.

Putting away my mask and hiding my wings again, I went bed and fell asleep rather quickly. Even as the morning rays of the sun tried to wake me up, I just turned around and continued to sleep.


933 words

Sorry that this one is a bit shorter than the last one, but I promise that the next one will be a bit longer ^^

Hermitcraft - Hero AU - ADOPTEDWhere stories live. Discover now