Chapter 4

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Grian's POV

I was looking thru my chests and shulker boxes in hopes of finding a healing potion or at least some ingredients to make one. I decided to give up, after having checked every single one of my storage units multiple times. I didn't find even one healing or regeneration potion, which meant I had to get one from somewhere else, until I could gather up the resources to make new ones. After thinking for a second, I decided to ask Mumbo, he always had some at his base incase he would end up with a wound or to after one of his crashlandings. I straped on my elytra, grabed some rockets and glided over to his base.

"Hello? Mumbo, are you home?", I called out while I was landing. Just in that moment Mumbo came around a corner and spotted me. "Hello there, Grian. How are you?", he greeted me with a soft smile, he seemed to be in a good mood. "Oh, I'm fine! I just came by to ask if you had a healing potion I could have.". "Sure- wait. Are you hurt? Do you want me to take a look at it?", his soft and calm expression changed into a worried frown, which brought my mood down a bit as well. "No no, don't worry. I just had a small encounter with a phantom, I'm fine tho, honestly.", I did my best to try and reassure him. He stopped frowning but still looked a bit worried, "Please let me still take a look at it, Phantoms can leave behind some pretty nasty wounds.". I sighed in defeat and followed him inside his base. He told me to sit down and I rolled up my sleve to show the already bandage arm. Mumbo carefully removed the badage and took a closer look at the wound, he wasn't really good with medical stuff or anything but he new first aid and used that knkwleg to take care of the rather deep bite wound on my arm.

Mumbo's POV

After Grian had told me that he got attacked by a Phantom, I started to worry. I knew Grian, he would always say he is fine, even when he wasn't.

I carefully removed the bandages that were wrapped around his arm. After cleaning the wound with some warm water, I applied some of the healing potion and put new and clean bandages around. "It looks like the Phantom got a direct hit on you, you should be more carefull!". Grian sighed, but just accepted it and thanked me for my help befor taking of again.

Grian has always been reckless, but normaly he is at least carfull during the night time. I'm worried... I shook my head to try and get my mind to stop worrying so much, G can take care of himself. I slowly walked back to what I was doing.

Grian's POV

'Great job! You made him worry', my mind was racing with guilt. I don't like making people worry about me, honestly they shouldn't. But Mumbo can always see right throu my facade, and now he is worried even tho that was the complete opposite of my gole. I'm trying to make sure that the other hermits won't worry abou me... I seriously need to get those healing potions.

~~time skip~~

It's been a coupple of weeks since I started saving people as poultery man and I've been doing it pretty much every night. The others have been talking alot about the hero with the chicken mask as well, wondering who it could be. Luckily I managed to keep my identity hidden by staying in the dark. The only thing that makes me worry is the fact that the hermits seem to have gotten used to having someone look after them during the night. There was almlost always someone making last minute trips to the shopping district and most of them didn't even bother taking tools or weapons with them anymore.

Spending every night flying around protecting people from monsters is pretty exhausting and has caused me to sleep pretty much all day. I did manage to gather enough resources tho to make myself a bunch of healing potions, so I don't have to worry about my wounds all to much.

The sun was setting again, it's laste few rays of sunlight reflecting on the surfic of the ocean. I got ready and put on my mask again, waiting for the last bit of light to disappear and then I took off.

757 words

Sorry, for this one being so short, but I'll try to upload another one soon!

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