Chapter 11

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The hooded figure stayed silent and only stareed at the duo.

A thick silence filled the air interrupted by nothing but Xisumas slight breathing.

Grian took a step towardas the figure and questioned them: "Who are you?".

Mumbo joined him, standing next to his partner once more and asking a question of his own: "And why did you take Xisuma?!".

The figure seemed to ignore the redstone based hero completely, only looking at Grian, with those souless, shining eyes. "It doesn't matter who I am, the only thing that matters is that you come back home, Xelqua...."

The hooded shadow continued: "You have been gone for so long, you need to come back and complete your transformation, become one of us...."

Mumbo was filled with confusion once more, ever since this whole hero thing started, it seemed like that was the only thing he felt. But he didn't understand enough of any of this to ask a proper question, to free himself from this insufferable confusion. The only thing his puzzled mind managed to stutter was a quiet: "Who is Xel-qwa???"

But his question was answered before it could be heard by anybody, as Grian continued to talk to the winged silhouette: "What makes you think I'd go back with you?!!"

"Oh....", was the only reaction Mumbo had, he was less suprised then he thought he would be.

The figure seemed more amused by Grians outburst than anything else. He just crouched down to Xisuma, picking up his head so the others could see his unconscious face.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I have your precious little admin...", he smiled evily, not like the others could see it, his face was still hidden by darkness.

Even in his unconscious state, Xisuma still felt the tugging on his hair, a pained grunt escaping his slightly parted lips.

Grian growls quietly, looking angrier than he ever had. "And what stops us from taking him back by force?". He steped closer.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you...", the figure made a small hand gesture and not even half a second later an arrow flew past Xisuma's head. "One step closer and the next arrow won't miss..."

Grian got visibly frustrated, his wings puffing up slightly and another growl escaping him. Mumbo put a hand on his friends shoulder, not only to hold him back, but also in the hope of calming him down.

But Mumbos little attempt seemed futile, as Grians rage only grew further. "Stop using X as cover and fight us yourself, you coward!"

For a moment, there was silence, nothing and nobody dared to brake it. Even the monsters stayed silent, no groan of a zombie, no hissing of a creeper; not even the bones of the skeletons made their typical clanking noise.

A dark chuckle filled the air, making a shiver go down the heroes backs.


With no further warning, the hooded figure droped X and rushed towards Grian, his hands glowing a bright wight, seemingly overflowing with watcher magic, much stronger than Grians.

Mumbo didn't hesitate to jump infront of Grian, summoning his redstone shield and pushing the attacker back.

Wanting to use the opportunity, G threw one of his TNT-eggs at the winged enemy, who couldn't escape the blast in time and was thrown up in the air.

The shadowy silhouette manged to catch itself in the air, using it's giant wings. Wasting no time, he summoned a bow made of light and a matching arrow. As he used his magic, the air seemed to crackle with energy.

He shot his arrow, right down the middle of the clearing. The glow of the arrow strengthened, before it split up into hundereds of smaller, still glowing arrows.

Grian panicked, not knowing how to handle such an attack, but luckily he wasn't alone. Mumbo pulled him towards Xisuma, standing infron both X and Grian, as he summoned a giant shield to cover all three of them.

The arrows rained down upon the forest, killing the surrounding mobs and getting stuck in both the ground and Mumbos shield.

Grian reacted quickly, and without thinking properly, used his own, weaker watcher magic to shoot the arrows back at their enemy.

The figure seemed startled, not expecting Grian to be able to use any of his magic. He tried to dodge, but couldn't react in time.

An arrow got stuck in his wing. He crahed into the ground, a cloud of dust surrounding him.

Mumbo and Grian got into fighting stances, ready to be attacked, but nothing happened.

The dust settled, reveling their attacker struggeling to stand up.

But Grian didn't care about what they were doing or what was happening, he was to shocked by who he saw.

The figures hood had fallen of, revealing black hair and a face that was all to familiar to Grian.

"... Taurtis? ..."

Mumbo looked inbetween the enemy, who was still trying to remove the arrow from his wing and Grian. "You know this guy?!"

Grian looked at Mumbo, unsure of how to answer, but he didn't get to say anything, as a sudden noise pulled their attention back towards Taurtis.

When they looked at him, he was already up in the sky, flying away from the two heores quickly.

"Should we follow him?", Grian asked, looking at Mumbo.

Said man just sighed and shook his head "No.... right now we need to get Xisuma back to the others..."

- meanwhile -

Taurtis landed at his little hide out at the side of a cliff. His wing was still aching and blood was staining his white feathers.

He whinced as the adrenalin from before left his system, letting him feel all the pain that was filling his body.

"You failed again..."

Taurtis's head snaped into the direction of the voice, infront of him was one of the elder watchers.

"N-no, Sir! Please! I know that it's Grian I saw his face- I-"

"Xelqua... his name is Xelqua..."

"R-Right... But I know I can get him back! Just give me one more chance!"

"And risk your failure once more? This isn't about you or that stupid friendship you think is between you and Xelqua, this is about all of Watcher-kind. If to much information about us gets out, we might no longer be respected as the gods we are suppose to be."

Taurtis just looked at the ground, trying to stabilize himself.

"... One more chance... but this time,", the elder watcher heald Taurtis with a white glowing flame, " I will be helping you..."


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand- DONE

writing these chapters is way to much work, now that I'm trying to actualy create a proper story out of that scrambled mess of its beginning---


bye, bye for now my little bees!

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