Chapter 5

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Grian's POV

Another night, another hermit in need of saveing and even more cuts and bruises.

I landed in my base, exhausted as always. I quickly cleaned my wounds, covered them up and drank a healing potion befor falling into bed and drifting off to sleep. But it didn't last as long as I hoped it would, since I was awoken by the sound of rockets going of and someone crashlanding in my base. I draged myself out of my bed and tried to look somewhat okay.

Mumbo's POV

I haven't seen Grian since he came over asking for healing potions. I flew around the server and askedeverbody I came across if they had seen him leave his base at all. After reciving nothing but 'no' and a few shrugs, I decided it would be best if I just checked up on him.

I made my way over into his base, worried that somethingmight have happend to him. I flew as quickly as I could, which might not have been the best idea I ever had... I ended up crashing into the ocean of chests that bellnged to Grian. It took me a moment to get back on my feet, but as soon as I was standing again I rushed into the diraction of Grians room. (let's just pretend he has one)

I knocked on the door to his room... no answer. I knocked again, this time louder... still no answer as I was about to knock again, the door opend up. Standing there was a very tierd looking Grian wearing an oversized gray hoodie and with a bandaid on his cheek, he actualy looked pretty cute-- wait!? What? Mumbo now is not the time to think about something like that! I mentaliy yelled at myself as I could feel a slight blush creep it's way onto my face. The smaller architech looked up to me, his eyes half closed like he just woke up "Hello Mumby, did you need something?". His voice was quiet and soft but also laced with exhaustion. "No, no, I'm here to check up on you. I haven't seen you for a few weeks now and I'm extreamly worried.", I tried to speack as softly as possible, because I didn't want to startle him. His tierd blus eyes closed as a small smile made it's way onto his face "I'm alright Mumbo, you don't need to worry about me."

I took a closer look at him, he was covered in bandaids, bruises and bandages, he wasn't alright. I shook my head slightly as I began to speak again: "You are covered in wounds, I'm not going to leave until you tell me wjere you got them from and let me help you." Grian sighed as he looked to the ground "Mumbo, I don't need you to help me, I'm fine, please stop worrying." I didn't answer him and just looked at him. I was not going to budge until he told me what was wrong. G let out another shaky breath befor he closed the door, or at least he tried to close it. I quickly stoped him and look him in the eyes "Please just let me help you."

Finaly he gave up and moved away from the door so that I could come in. His room was a bit of a mess, with clothes scatterd on the floor close to the closet and empty potion bottles on his night stand, a few bandages and other first aid equipment was in a half opend chest on one side of the wall. Grian must have been using it not to long ago. Looking over at his bed, I could see the short blond man sitting there, looking at the ground and waiting for me to say something. "Come on, I'll help you with those wounds.", I grabed the  set of basic medical equipment from the chest and walked over to Grian.

As I cleaned his wounds, I realised just how many there were. His arms had bite wounds from both phantoms and zombies, his torso and legs had shot wounds from the arrows of skeletons and burn marks from defenitly more than one creeper expllsion. He had clearly been drinking healing potions and taking care of the wounds himself, but there were still scars which als seemed to be from hostile mobs. I realised that the fresh wounds must be from last night, otherwise the healing potions would have already turned them into nothing more but scars. My face had a worried expression on it as I looked at Grians face. He was pale and had bags under his eyes. "What happend to you Grian? Where did all these wound scome from?", I questioned him trying to sound as calm as possible. He quickly looked away from me as he mumbled his response: "Just a few mobs attacking me, you know how my base is." "A few!?", I accidently yelled making Grian jump a little. I took a deep breath to calm down befor speaking again, "Gri, you are coverd in wounds like you've been standing afk next to a spawner or something, besides, no one has been hurt by any hostile mobs lately. Poultery-Man has been protecting everyone.". As I said that I realised what was going on, but I still wasn't sure, ot was more of a small suspicion. "I guess I'm just unlucky, heh", he laughed to try and sound more convincing, but the nervous tone of his voice betrayed him. "Come on Grian, you know you can trust me." I held his hands in mine as I tried to look him in the eyes. "Promise you won't tell anybody?", he looked at me and waited for my answer. "Of cours, I won't tell the others", I smiled at him softly to reasure him that everything would be alright.

He let out a shaky breath befor looking me directly in the eyes and stuttering: "I- I am Poultery Man."

I was shocked at first and even tho it did make sense and I did have my suspicions, it still was a suprise for me to actualy hear him say it. I didn't know how to react, but I did know that I wanted to help him. "So that is why you are covered in wounds and haven't been leaving your base, huh?", I asked him already knlwing the answer. Grian only gave me a slight nod and looked back at the ground with a slight blish of embaressment on his face. It was quiet for a moment and neither of us dared to break the silence, until I spoke up again.

"Let me help you"

Grian seemed to startled by my sudden offer "B-but you already helped me. What are you talking about Mumbo?"
He looked confused as he looked at my face trying to find an answer.

"Let me help you, let me protect you. Let me be the one that protects you while you protect others."

1169 words

Finaly another chapter!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes in this or any of the other chapters, english isn't my first language so I tend to make mistakes.

150 reads! That's incredible! I didn't think that that many people would read this! Thank you so much!
As a little thank you gift for you guys I made a cute drawing of Grian, this time without the mask on :3

ANYWAYS-150 reads! That's incredible! I didn't think that that many people would read this! Thank you so much!As a little thank you gift for you guys I made a cute drawing of Grian, this time without the mask on :3

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Again, thank you guys sooo much! I will try my best to upload chapters as often as I can!

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