Chapter 10

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The dawn of a new day announces itself with bright sun rays shining upon the world. The warmth of the sun chases away the freezing cold temperatures of last night, the last stars flicker out of sight as the sun rises above the horizon.

The hermits wake up, one by one. Getting out of bed, stretching, preparing for the day ahead of them.

But they could have never prepared for what each and everyone of them found at their doors.

Arrows were lodged into the frames of their door, a message attached to the thin staright sticks with sharp points.

The hermits read the dreadful letters, shock, fear and anger flooding their bodies.

Xisuma was gone.

"We have your admin, if you want him back, you'll have to do as we tell you.

Send Poultry-Man and Red-Shield to us. We will be waiting at *coordinates*.

Don't try to play any tricks on us, or you'll never see your precious little admin ever again.


Ofcours, Grian and Mumbo recived this message as well.

There wasn't a single doupt in their minds, they had to get X back, no matter what.

A server meeting was called, to make sure that these alarming news were true and to everyones disappointment, they were.

Frantic talking broke out within the crowd of friends. Their comments of worrie only filled the two heroes with more determination.

They had to do this.

But... they could not tell the others about their secret identities, they just couldn't.

So they waited for the meeting to end, watching as False, Iskall, Doc and Ren, the hermits they had saved before, were telling the others that everything would be fine.

"They can save him, I know they can!", a swedish voice shouted, distracting the hermits from their own chaotic thoughts.

It went on like thos for quiet a while, as time passed, the hermits calmed down and left back to their own bases. Agreeing to let their two heroes do the job.

Grian and Mumbo softly nodded at eachother, before leaving aswell.

Not even five minutes later, they had met up again. This time in their hero outfits and with their weapons equiped.

They knew what they had to do.

They took off into the endless sky, Mumbo with his elytra and Grian with his own wings.

As they approached the coordinates, the sky darkened and night fell upon the world of hermitcraft.

A dark oak forest came into view. Its thick roof of leaves covering the ground underneath.

They landed at the edge of the forest, looking at one another.

"Should we fly or walk?", Grian looked at his taller friend as he asked him this question.

"I'm not sure... This might be a trap to catch us on the ground with no way to escape into the air--", Mumbo was crossing his arms infront of his chest, his redstone sword dangeling off the side of his tool-belt.

G quickly cut him of: "They don't care if we can fly, they would be faster than us and they know it."

The tall moustached man raised an eybrow as he looked at the blond male infront of him.

Grian shook his head slightly before looking back at Mumbos face.

"The watchers, you know, the ones I escaped from?"


"We should probably walk, we won't be able to see from up above."

And with that, they wandered into the darkness of the forest, trudging carefully through the vegetation.

Time seemed to crawl as the wandered through the seemingly unending woods surrounding the two.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached a clearing.

Mumbo and Grian searched closely for any sign of life, but they found nothing and decided it was safe to leave the protection of the trees.

Once the two heroes reached the center of the clearing, loud noises could be heard.

Their heads shot arround, spotting the ridiculous numbers of monsters that had surrounded them.

"sh*t", Grian let out a curse underneath his breath as he got into a figthing stance, Mumbo quickly following his movement.

They stood back to back, waiting for the monsters to attack....

But they never did....

A thumping sound shattered the silence around them like the crashin of a porcelain vase.

They turnes their heads towards the source of the disturbance.

Laying there on the ground was no other than Xisuma himslef, tied up an unconscious.

Standing next to his limp bodie was a hooded figure, brilliant white wings spreading from their back, radiating with a soft glow.

The starngers face was coverd by darkness, the only vissible feature was a pair of brightly glowing white eyes...


I'm back~

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

Hermitcraft - Hero AU - ADOPTEDWhere stories live. Discover now