10 // dadvid n' momgwen !!!

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night hcs♡♡♡♡

•when the campers have nightmares, they are allowed to go to the counselors cabin n' david n' gwen will make them some hot chocolate n' they'll chat until the camper forgets about whatever their nightmare was about
•david heavily encourages them to come to them n' although gwen gets a lil agitated getting woken up in the middle of the night, she can't bring herself to stay mad
•if the campers ask, david will tuck them in
•gwen will if david's not there, but it's mainly david
•they take sleeping campers to their tents n' tuck them in carefully🥺
•david lets the campers sleep in the counselor cabin if they are scared n' he'll sleep on one of the armchairs while they take the bed
•gwen will, very rarely, sing them to sleep
•forehead kisses almost always come from david, but they could come from gwen depending on her mood
•david reads bedtime stories to them

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