102 // everyone [7 years later]

471 15 52

the "roles" they play in the friend group

max (17) - leader, mama bear, mooch
this boy has a lot of roles in the gang

•he makes all the executive decisions in the group. if max says no? it doesn't happen. everyone runs everything by max, and they don't really mind. he keeps the whole group up and functioning. without him, the whole group would fall apart. half of them would be in jail or dead if he hadn't been there to put his foot down. if max isn't there, one of them always pipes up with, "what would max do?"

•he is very protective over his friends. if you hurt his friends, he will ruin your life and make it a living hell. he will jump you with nurf and then sic nikki on your sorry ass. he will have neil pull up dirt on you that not even you knew about. he will have ered kill your social status. (unless it was one of them that got hurt). he would also die for the gang with no hesitation. if he could take all their pain, problems, and heartbreak away and put it all on himself, he would. the squad's parents all trust max to keep them safe, and he's never failed to do so

•he doesn't mean to be, but he never has money on him and always needs a ride. this is mainly because his parents refuse to buy him a car and won't let him drive theirs. of course, they never lend him money either. nikki and neil are constantly picking him up from places (if he's not walking) and the gang is always buying him lunch. he promises the pay them back, but it's a lost cause. he means well, but he's just a broke bitch

neil (18) - nerd

•he's the nerd of the group. he's constantly sending h/w answers to the gang and tutoring them. he's airdropped test answers to them during an exam and can pull up any information on the people they don't like. he's made plenty of robots and knickknacks to prank the asshats that mess with his friends. without neil, they'd almost all be failing, except spacekid and dolph

nikki (17) - athlete/guy's girl

•this girl is on everything. from the girl's basketball team to soccer to track to cross country, she's on as many things as she can get on. she's even managed to get on some boy's teams, like baseball and football. outside of the squad, she's friends with all boys. she's basically a boy anyways, always wearing shorts that go down to her knees and baggy low side tank tops. sometimes she'll go with volleyball shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, but for the most part, she looks like one of the guys. hell, she's borrowed more clothes from max and neil than she shops for herself. her closet is filled with their hoodies, t-shirts, bandanas, fingerless gloves, varisty jackets, shorts, jean jackets, leather jackets, flannel shirts, wife beaters, tank tops and jeans

harrison (18) - gentleman

•he's constantly coming back to restaurants to pay for food after his friends did a dine and dash. he's always apologizing on his friends behalf when they do stupid shit. although he's a nervous baby, he'll stutter his way through a conversation with the police, politely answering questions so his friends don't get arrested. he opens doors for people, offers his seat to the elderly and pregnant, pulls out chairs for the females of the gang, gives his friends his jacket if they left theirs at home (even when he's freezing), walking his friends to their house and not leaving 'til he knows they made it inside, and being extremely polite to his friends' parents. his parents may have been scared shitless of him, but they ain't raise no disrespectful bitch

nerris (17) - mom friend™

•she's definitely the mom of the group. she carries granola bars in her bag for max because she knows he's always hungry from having little food at home. she often packs him lunches as well, along with nikki. she carries a first aid kit filled with everything that she could possibly need in any situation. she carries one of neil's extra epipens and inhalers because he always forgets them when in a rush. she has a planner filled with her friend's birthdays, school dances and events, nikki's practices and games, science fairs for neil, talent shows for preston and harrison, clubs, and more. she's constantly reminding her friends of the dates, and is the one everyone calls when they are sick. she leaves little sticky notes in their bathrooms to remind them to take their meds and is the designated driver when they go to parties. she sends texts like "be safe!" "text me when you get home!" and "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU BOYS DRINK AND DRIVE IF THAT DOESN'T KILL YOU I WILL!" a bit aggressive, but she means well

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