73 // max n' gwen

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(headcanon by me hehe)

remember that safe that max got shoved into during the foreign exchange students ep ?? well, gwen took that safe n' uses it to hide her smutty fics, her favorite trashy mags, sex toys, her wallet n' credit cards, her laptop, her phone, and her giant stash of sweets/chocolate/cookies and any other things she wants to keep away from the campers. she feels bad about embarrassing max n' let's him have the password to the safe to hide mr. honeynuts inside, since he's paranoid the woodscouts are gonna come back n' steal it. he's allowed to go in the cabin at anytime to get/put him away, which is usually early in the morning and before the campers have to go to sleep. she used to watch him like a hawk to make sure he didn't snoop around in her stuff (she hid the toys in the back🤭) or eat any of her sweets, but she eventually gave up on that

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