88 // the trio

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max is a cat person, although he likes dogs, they are just too jumpy and energetic for him. they're like the david of the animal kingdom. cats are like max, chill, keep to themselves, sassy, little shits, will scratch your eye out, love sleeping n' lounging, and hate most people. max is basically a cat. i mean look at his eyes, they practically glow in the dark, they are always suspicious, and his pupils are slits. he's a cat

nikki is 100% a dog person, a cat scratched her on the nose once n' she hasn't trusted them since. cats are too max-like, and as much as she loves max, his personality doesn't go well with sharp claws n' pointy teeth. dogs are like nikki, energetic, happy, down for any adventure, athletic, jumpy, and loves food. any food. nikki is basically a dog. i mean, she sniffs the ground, walks on all fours, and sleeps curled up like a dog. she's a dog

neil doesn't have a preference, he's not really an animal person. he'll pet a cat in his lap while doing something on his computer n' he'll throw a stick for a dog while he mixes chemicals. they aren't really beneficial to him, but he doesn't dislike them. they just don't do anything for him other than get in the way if experiments and projects

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