57 // everyone

412 11 2

texting styles

max - texts with all lowercase, swears in almost every text, complete crackhead lmao, grammar sucks ass but his spelling is fine, uses text talk
neil - He texts in full sentences, with proper grammar and spelling, and uses periods and capitals when needed. He texts in a big paragraph instead of sending multiple messages. He doesn't like using text talk.
nikki - texts with all lowercase, lots of !!!!!, lots of emojis, text talk, misspells longer words, abbreviations, anything that ends with 's' is changed to a 'z' so she can be cool like ered, mostly answers with one word responses sksk
nerris - Texts with capitals but always forgets periods, a total nerd when texting, uses emoticons (xD, -_-, :0, :), :(, etc), uses abbreviations n' talk talk
harrison - Also texts normally with capitals, also forgets the periods, only uses this emoji: 😂
dolph - Texts normally, lots of nazi jokes by accident, excess use of cute emojis
nurf - He also surprisingly texts with full sentences and proper grammar/spelling and uses capitals and periods. His texts are actually a lot nicer than what he says in public, because most of the stuff he says out loud is on instinct.
ered - texts in lowercase bc she's cool like that, uses "😎" a lot, everything is  abbreviated, uses text talk, changes any word that ends with 's' to 'z', texts only cool phrases
space kid - Text normally, sends lots of links to space shit, uses emojis; his favorite are space ones, misspells words frequently
david - He texts like Neil and Nurf, with full sentences and proper grammar and spelling, using periods and capitals when necessary. He is such a triple+ texter lmaooo, he wants attention. He tries to be "hip" by using text talk and try to text "cool" things. He uses lots of !!!!!, and loves using emojis.
gwen - texts in lowercase, swears every three or so texts, also a complete crackhead sksksk, uses emojis and emoiticons, it just depends

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