103 // everyone [7 years later]

350 10 5

who they call first when something goes wrong:

1.) neil
2.) nikki
3.) mommy nerris
if these three don't pick up, he starts calling anyone who will answer lmfao

1.) mama max
2.) mommy nerris
3.) nikki
4.) big sis ered
5.) harrison
6.) nurf
7.) preston

1.) mama max
2.) neil
3.) big sis ered
4.) mommy nerris
if these four don't answer, she'll just call anyone else

1.) mommy nerris
2.) mama max
3.) preston
4.) neil
if these guys don't pick up, he'll call the others

1.) harrison
2.) mama max
3.) nikki
4.) preston
5.) big sis ered
if none of them pick up, she'll call her parents

1.) mommy nerris
2.) mama max
3.) harrison
4.) big sis ered
if these four don't answer, he'll call the others and if none of them pick up, he'll text his gran gran (she has a hard time hearing him over the phone)

1.) mama max
2.) nikki
3.) mommy nerris
if these three don't answer, she starts calling anyone who'll pick up

1.) mama max
2.) mommy nerris
3.) big sis ered
4.) neil
5.) harrison
if none of them pick up, he calls the others in random order

1.) spacekid
2.) mama max
3.) big sis ered
4.) mommy nerris
5.) nikki
if none of them pick up, he calls his dad

1.) dolph
2.) mama max
3.) mommy nerris
if none of them pick up, he calls the others in random order. if all nine of them don't pick up, he'll call his uncle buzz as a last resort

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