Chapter: 1

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Gon Pov

I toss and turn in my bunk trying to get comfortable on the hard mattress. I look around the room seeing all the other trainees asleep. But I couldn't get the blessing of rest. My mind was still too wired. "You are here now Freecss. This is what it takes." I think to myself laying back.

I joined the army to find my father. Four-Star General, Ging Freecss. I've never met the man, but I've learned a lot about him from my Aunt Mito. She didn't want me joining the service. She is scared. She thinks war is coming. The amount of convincing it took just to let me get on the bus to get here was horrible.

We arrived and they told us to put our stuff away and rest for tomorrow. That's when basic will begin for us. Our commanding officer, a man named Sergeant Knuckle, is a loud and intimidating man. We got off the bus and he was waiting. Immediately started yelling at us. One of the guys next to me sneezed while he was talking.

Sergeant Knuckle stopped talking and calmly walked up to him. I could tell he was furious, a vein popping up on his forehead. "Mind telling me your name boy?" He asked. "Andy sir! Andy Wellsprin sir!" He promptly replied. "Well, you appear to have good manners, Andy," Knuckle said before punching Andy across the face. Knuckle was seething.

"BUT DO NOT INTERRUPT ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING! I DO NOT CARE IF IT IS A SNEEZE OR YOU ARE BLEEDING OUT. YOU SAY NOTHING UNLESS SPOKEN TO, ARE WE CLEAR?" Andy quickly recovers and nods. "Yes, sir!" Knuckle turns a 180 before resuming what he was saying before.

"Never get on his bad side." I thought fearfully. Knuckle finished chewing us out before sending us away to our bunks. Basic would begin first thing in the morning. And now here I am can't even sleep.

I cross my arms behind my head and close my eyes and attempt to sleep. It comes at some point. Although I never felt myself slip into darkness.

Killua Pov

"Oow!" I say holding my cheek standing back up from the ground. "God damn Illumi. You do not hold back huh?" My brother stands in front of me his arms crossed. "You know I don't. Not when it comes to training. Now come on." He goes into a defensive stance ready and I get into my own.

Off to the side our father, Silva Zoldyck, watches quietly. Illumi and I resume our fight, trading blows using any means to take one another down. I've never beaten Illumi in a one on one fight. I don't feel that today is the day that will change. I feint left and feint a kick before placing a hard right palm into Illumi's nose. I feel it break under my hand and cringe.

He steps back a few feet holding his nose groaning a bit in pain. He looks at me with light in his eyes and a smile on his face. "Good shot kil! Had that been anyone else they would have gone down." He takes his hands and quickly sets his nose back into place.

His nose makes a disturbing crunch and pops as he sets it back. "Alright, boys that's enough." Our father says stepping over. "You both are doing excellent in your training. Killua is making magnificent progress!" He pats me on the back.

"Go get cleaned up. Hit the sack. Gonna bring up the difficulty of your training." He says walking off to the house. "Yes, sir!" Illumi and I say in unison. I turn to Illumi. "Sooo does that count as a win for me?" I ask grinning cheekily. "As if. If father hadn't stopped us you would have been flat on your ass." He responds punching my shoulder lightly.

"Why do you think father would decide to increase the difficulty?" I ask Illumi as we head towards the house. "Hmmm. If I had to guess he probably thinks war is coming." He answers. "Oh. You think I can handle a war?" I ask a bit timidly.

"Kil we have been training you since you were a young boy. You are a master of hand to hand and an expert marksman. You will be fine. It won't just be you either. It will be us along with whoever we are hired by."

I nod and remain quiet. "A war...I wonder what that is like?" I think. Part of me is terrified. Yet another part of me is excited wanting to see! "Wasn't dad in the Great War?" I ask Illumi.

"No no. That was grandpa Zeno." He answers. "Oh right. Maybe I should ask him about it." Illumi shrugs in response and opens the door to the house walking ahead of me and I close it behind me. "And you can't tell me I'm a master at hand to hand when I can't even beat you though!" I call after him as he ascends the stairs to his room. "You got that right kil." He calls back.

Gon Pov
I jerk awake by a loud bang that echoes through the barracks. "WAKE UP MAGGOTS! GET DRESSED AND OUTSIDE DOUBLE TIME!" Sergeant Knuckle yells at us from the door before turning and walking back out.

I quickly get out of the bed and put on the camp training uniforms we had been given. I lace up my boots and run outside to the training ground where the only sergeant is standing. He gives me a surprised look. "Well, this is a surprise. Most recruits are never this fast."

He looks me over. "Uniform in order. Boots laced correctly. You look like you have done this before, boy." I nod and that seemed to satisfy him. I stand at attention waiting for the rest of the platoon. Despite Aunt Mitos wishes for me to not join the army I still studied up and trained for it ahead of time so I don't catch flack from the higher-ups.

By the time the rest of the platoon arrived Knuckle was pissed. He was grinding his teeth in fury. "About the time the rest of you pissants joined us!" He looks at his pocket watch. "Our first trainee arrived here 15 minutes ahead of you lot!" He says gesturing to me.

"Clearly none of you are like him so from now on you will be at most 5 minutes behind him. Any later and you will be punished severely!" I stay at attention looking straight forward as he talks but I can feel glares pointed in my direction. "Great. I just became the target of the entire platoon." I think.

"Now the time is currently 5:00! We start today with a 15 Kilometer run around the base! Stay with the group as you run! If you fall behind you will have to run another 15k before resuming training with the rest."

He turns and starts walking motioning for us to follow. "Basic training was already gonna be a hell of its own right. But now then entire platoon wants my head." I think worriedly. We steadily pick up into a run. Barley 5 minutes in and a few of the others are already struggling to breathe. "They will drop out before the week ends. I intend to make it all the way through and work my way up. I will meet my father!" I think determined.

(Authors note. Guten Tag! I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1 of Tilted Axis! This will be a slower story than Drawn by Fate. But I hope you enjoy all the same. Leave your thoughts in the comments. Later!!

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