1( Greetings

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(annie's pov)

Hi. my name's Julianna Grace Leblanc (annie for short). i'm a 16 year old girl that goes to Attaway High. my life is terrible. it could be worse. but it's still terrible. ever since i moved to canada i've been considered "the nerd". i don't have friends. they all choose popularity over me. but honestly i don't mind it. it's nice having time for yourself, you know? I live with my mother in a nice house. it used to be me, mom, dad, hayley, and caleb. but 7 years ago there was a horrible fire at the museum we were visiting. me and my mom made it out alive. dad, hayley, and caleb didn't. anyways tonight is prom night. ugh. i HATE prom with a burning passion. so every prom night i take a walk to this cabin by a creek. it's technically mine because no one is ever there. as i was walking out of the house i put my headphones in. my mom wasn't home at the time, she went away on a business trip in texas. I shuffle play my playlist and start walking. the cabin was far but not too far.

(skip to when she has arrived)

i finally get to the cabin and sit on the ground. I put my hands down beside my legs and i felt something. it felt like a hand but i wasn't sure. I slowly turn my head and see a boy about my age looking at me confused. we both jump and scream as we realize that there is a human, we don't know sitting right next to us.

annie and johnny: who are you?

annie and johnny: i asked you first

we both chuckled. as he started talking.

(johnny's pov)

hello there. my name's johnny orlando and i just moved to canada like an hour ago. I used to live in maryland but we moved here because of a huge fire. the fire was all over the news and it took many lives, including my mother. that's why we moved, my dad said he wanted to leave those bad memories back in maryland and "start over". but i'll never forget. anyways it's prom night at my new school and the principal told me that i could go if i wanted to. which i do not. i've never really liked those type of things. people say i'm a "party pooper". when in reality i'm just shy. super shy. It's hard to make friends because of that, but it is what it is. I wanted to explore canada more so i decided to go on a walk. I love walks. they give me time to think.

(skip to when he gets to the cabin)

while i was walking, i came across this cabin. I check it out before i go in because it seemed a little sketchy. i sit on the ground and close my eyes.

( a few minutes later)

it's been a few minutes and i was still thinking. i wish i was the one who died in the fire. not my mom. my thoughts were interrupted by a cold hand being placed on top of mine. I was confused because i thought i was alone. I turn my head and see a girl. she seemed to be confused as well. I then realized that a stranger was sitting beside me with their hand on mine. I'm guessing she thought the same because we both jumped and screamed. then we started talking really fast at the same time.

(annie's pov)

johnny: i'm johnny, johnny orlando

he said rubbing the back of his neck. I could tell he was nervous. I just don't know why.

annie: i'm julianna

I say with a reassuring smile

annie: julianna leblanc, most people call me annie.

he looks at me and smiles

johnny: cute name

I blush..really hard

annie: thanks

annie: so, what brings you here

johnny: just needed to clear my thoughts

he says as he looked at the wall

johnny: you?

annie: same

there is a moment of silence. then i finally spoke

annie: are you new around here?

johnny: yeah, i actually just moved today

annie: oh really?

annie: what school are going to?

johnny: attaway high

annie: me too

he looks at me with a confused look on his face

annie: what?

johnny: tonight's prom night

annie: yeah and?

johnny: why are you here?

annie: huh?

johnny: why are you at some random cabin instead of enjoying your prom?

annie: i don't know.

I started as i looked at the ground

annie: i just don't like that kind of stuff, you know?

johnny: yeah. prom's not really my thing either

he smiles

i smile back

(johnny's pov)

gosh her smile is beautiful. she's beautiful. I didn't realize it but i was staring...she started snapping in front of my face and calling out my name. I stop staring and she starts laughing.

johnny: what?

annie: you're cute

did she- did she just call me cute?

I start blushing. I tried to hide it by looking at the wall but it was so obvious.

annie: i should probably get going

johnny: where exactly?

annie: home.

annie: where else? prom?

she giggled

so did i

(annie's pov)

he stands up and sticks his hand out

I look at him

johnny: well what are you waiting for?

johnny: let's go home

I look at his hand

then back at him and smile

I take his hand and we start running to my house

end of chapter one

i hope you enjoyed it!

 (word count 934)

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