4( I've Gotten Used To It

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(annie's pov)

I was walking to my locker to get my stuff

we had lunch at the end of the day

which i thought was stupid

johnny was following behind me

he really was close to me

too close for my personal preference

but i trust him

(johnny's pov)

me and annie were walking to her car

she got in and so did I

we sat there for a little while

the whole mackenzie thing was really bothering me

I had so many questions

johnny: does she always do that stuff to you?

she looked at me

she knew exactly who I was talking about

annie: *nods*

johnny: why?

annie hesitates, then speaks

annie: I don't know. they always make fun of me. they call me a nerd, make fun of my brother and-

she stops

annie: and they hit me, push me, throw my stuff on the ground, put things in my food. they even egged my car one time

she had tears rolling down her cheeks

I hug her

while we were hugging I noticed annie said "they"

instead of "she" or "mackenzie"

we pull away from the hug

johnny: who's "they"?

annie: kenzie and hayden. pretty much all of their friends but mainly those two.

she says as she stops crying

I was angry

more than angry


how could someone hurt such a beautiful girl like that

annie: but it's ok

annie: I've gotten used to it

johnny: you should never be used to someone hurting you

she looks at the ground

and shrugs

(annie's pov)

I take johnny home

even though he didn't want me to

johnny: do i have to go?

he says as we pull into his driveway

annie: yes. you've been with me all day today and yesterday. you need to spend time with your family.

he looks at me with a pouty face, then back at the ground

I put my finger under his chin and lift his head

annie: we can hang out tomorrow. ok?

johnny: promise?

annie: promise

he smiles at me

annie: now run along

he gets out and starts walking to his porch

johnny: bye annie

he calls out

annie: bye johnny

he smirks and goes inside

end of chapter 4

this was supposed to be apart of chapter three but it was too long.

so I split it. that's why this is so short. anyways I might post more chapters later, tehe


(word count 407)

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