7( Was That Really Necessary?

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(annie's pov)

johnny left the table

oh no

please don't let anything bad happen

I follow him

a little behind

I got there right as johnny punched him

johnny: that's what you get for trying to talk to my girl

he grabs my arm and storms out

he was mad

I was mad

(johnny's pov)

the car ride was silent

I could tell annie was mad

she had her arms folded and was looking out the window

when we get home, she storms upstairs and slams her door

it was loud

I knock on it

annie: go away johnny

I go in anyway and sit on the end of her bed

johnny: ann's i'm sor-

annie: what were you thinking? I do not belong to you johnny. I can handle myself. If i were uncomfortable in any way, I would have told you. but nooo. you have to take it upon yourself and punch him. you should be embarrassed

she was yelling

I didn't say anything

annie: was that really necessary?

I shake my head no and look down

annie: so if it wasn't necessary, why did you do it?

I didn't want to answer that question

I knew the answer, but I was too scared

annie: hello orlando? I'm talking to you

johnny: I was mad

I mumble

annie: so you got mad and you felt the need to punch our fucking waiter? does that make any sense johnny?

I shook my head no again

annie: just...just go home

she said still yelling

I look at her

annie: now

she says as she rolls over on her side

I sigh and leave

I was mad at myself

not asher


end of chapter 7

I literally deleted this (and chapter 6) 879948648964 times, so you're lucky I didn't delete the whole story out of frustration lol

(word count 270)

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