6( Date Night

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(annie's pov)

johnny: ann's

annie: yes orlando?

johnny: I love you

he says while falling back to sleep

did he just say he loved me?

he was probably just talking in his sleep

should i reply?

do i love him?

I stayed silent and continued cleaning

*the next day*

(johnny's pov)

I woke up on the couch

my back was hurting

really bad

I tried to sit up and I see annie sitting in a chair with her head down on the kitchen counter

johnny: muffin?

no answer

she was asleep

I pick her up and carry her to her bed, then head downstairs

I decided to make annie breakfast since she did the same the other day

*about 30 minutes later*

(annie's pov)

I woke up to the smell of-


I run downstairs excited because i love pancakes

then i saw johnny

he was standing in front of the oven with a spatula in his hands

I wrap my arms around his waist

johnny: good morning

he says with a smile

annie: good morning

johnny: how did you sleep?

annie: horrible

johnny: I figured. since you fell asleep on the kitchen counter

annie: really?

johnny: yep

annie: that explains my neck pain

I say as I let go of him and walk over to the kitchen island

*a few hours before their date*

johnny went home to get ready

I on the other hand was having a mid life crisis


who knew picking out an outfit was so hard?

I had nothing to wear

I kept getting more and more frustrated

and eventually I couldn't take it anymore

I screamed

I'm guessing it was really loud because johnny called me

johnny: are you ok muffin?

annie: yeah I'm fine

johnny: are you sure because i heard you scream?

annie: yes orlando, i'm fine

then i hung up

and went back to my closet

*an hour later*

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