3( First Day

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(annie's pov)

I woke up with a strong pair of arms wrapped around me

johnny's arms

I turn and look at him, he was still asleep

god he was so cute

I silently get up out of his grip

and I somehow managed to not wake him up

it was 6:30 am

school started at 8, which meant I had a lot of time to spare until I had to get ready

I decided to make me and johnny some muffins

I took out my recipe book, shuffled my playlist, and started baking

(johnny's pov)

I woke up to an unusual smell

it smelled like something was,


I noticed annie wasn't beside me and I started to panic

I ran downstairs screaming her name

johnny: ANNIE?

johnny: ANNIE?!

I see her, sitting on the kitchen island with two plates in front of her

annie: mornin sleepy head

she said with a smile

johnny: where were you?

I say kind of yelling, but only because I was worried

annie: I was making breakfast

annie: muffins to be specific

I smile at her

annie: sit

she says while pointing to a chair across from her

I do as she says and start eating.

*skip to when they finished eating*

(annie's pov)

johnny went home to shower and grab some clothes

I gave him a key to my house so he can come whenever

as I was contemplating what to wear today, I hear the front door unlocking and then opening

assuming it was johnny, I proceeded to pick out my outfit

I decided to wear some mom jeans, a yellow t-shirt (that I tied in the front), and my black

Dr. Martens

It was really cold outside

considering it was the middle of december

so I threw on a trench coat,

put my hair in a low ponytail

and headed downstairs

I see johnny sitting on my couch on his phone

he looks at me

johnny: ready to go?

annie: I think I'm the one who should be asking that question

johnny: and why is that?

annie: it's your first day

I started as we walked to my car

annie: are you not nervous?

he shook his head no and followed behind me.

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