5( Digits Leblanc?

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(annie's pov)

I was doing my homework when I heard a noise coming from my window

I walked over to it and see a shirtless john standing at his window, holding a piece of paper that said "digits leblanc?"

I playfully roll my eyes, wrote my number down on a piece of paper, and held it up to my window

he smiles and closes his blinds

I go back to my desk to continue my homework

then my phone started vibrating

"Unknown caller"

I cautiously answer it

annie: hello?

johnny: hey!

it was johnny

annie: really john?

johnny: what?

annie: don't you have homework to do or something?

johnny: I finished it already

annie: I'm sure you did. with all the wrong answers

johnny gasps

johnny: I am offended

I laughed

this kid will be the death of me

johnny: why don't you come over and check?

annie: no

johnny: what why?

annie: because you need to figure it out yourself

johnny: what if I came to you?

annie: nope

johnny: too late

he hung up

and i hear the front door open

there stood johnny holding up his homework and smiling

i chuckled

annie: why did i ever give you that key?

he laughs while he picks me up and throws me over his shoulders

I just let him because at this point I don't care

he drops me on my bed and lays beside me

johnny: so, leblanc?

annie: yes, orlando?

johnny: what's it gonna take for you to let me take you out?

annie: where is this coming from?

he shrugs

annie: well

I started

annie: just ask me

johnny: seriously?

annie: yep

I say confidently

johnny: ok well, annie do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?

annie: I would love too!

I say "surprised"

we both laugh

annie: now about this homework-

johnny: oh lord

*skip to when they finished*

johnny: I didn't know you were a nerd leblanc

I looked at the ground

johnny calling me a nerd brought back memories

bad memories

me being slammed against the locker and blacking out

I look at him

not smiling

maybe he was just joking

(johnny's pov)

annie was acting weird after i called her a nerd

it took me a minute to realize

mackenzie calls her that

johnny: sorry ann's

I started

johnny: I completely forgot about that. I was just joking around and in no way was I trying to hurt your-

annie cut's me off

I was rambling

like crazy

annie: it's fine johnny, it was a mistake

I smile at her

she smiles back

we were staring at each other for what seemed like forever

until annie looks away

(annie's pov)

annie: uh... do you..um, want to order a pizza?

johnny : yeah sure

I like john a lot

but i'm too scared to commit

we ordered pizza and started watching a movie

I notice johnny fell asleep with the pizza on his lap

I laugh and take a picture

I then take the pizza off of his lap

and start cleaning up our mess

johnny: what are you doing?

he says while slightly opening his eyes

annie: cleaning

johnny: oh

the room grew silent

johnny: ann's?

he says half asleep

annie: yes orlando

johnny: i love you

end of chapter 5

(word count 458)

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