15( Will You?

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(johnny's pov)

i woke up earlier than usual

it was saturday, the day I finally got to ask annie to be my girlfriend

i was nervous

me and lauren's plan was great

i just hope it works

annie was still sleeping so i head over to my house

lauren: you ready?

johnny: you already bought the stuff?

she nods

johnny: well, i  guess so.

 me and lauren drive to the cabin

(annie's pov)

today was my birthday

i was finally turning 17!

i didn't see johnny anywhere.

usually when he goes somewere he'll leave a note but i didn't see one

did something happen to him?

then my phone vibrates

papa john: happy birthday muffin! i left to get you something special since you're a big girl now. don't worry though, i'll be back soon. love you

oh thank god he was ok

i walk downstairs and fix me breakfast

muffins, eggs, and bacon = perfection

(johnny's pov)

lauren and i were setting up

well lauren was setting up

because everytime i touched something she would yell at me

so instead i was rehearsing what i would say to her

yes i wrote down what to say

i wanted everything to be perfect she deserves it

lauren: annnddddd...done

johnny: what. already?

lauren: yep. now go get annie

i wasn't ready

oh no what if i messed up?


i got in my car and drove to annie's house

when i got there she was already on the porch

johnny: what are you doing out here?

annie: i was going to go to the cabin. but i didn't want to drive

johnny: i'm glad you didn't

i mumble

annie: huh?

johnny: nothing. come on let's go

i stick my hand out

annie: where?

johnny: it's a surprise

she smiles and takes my hand

*the cabin*

i put a blindfold on annie and walked her up to where everything was

lauren was still there

annie: can i take this stupid thing off of my face now?

i pause and make sure everything was ready

johnny: ok

(annie's pov)

johnny told me he was taking me to a "surprise" location

i honestly don't mind surprises

but does it really require this blindfold

annie: can i take this stupid thing off of my face now?

it takes him a while to answer

johnny: ok

i remove and see the cabin

but it was decorated

there were lights hung on the trees

a mini pathway made with rocks

annie: wow. this is beautiful johnny

annie: did you do all of this?

johnny: not exactly

lauren: hi annie

i run to lauren and give her a hug

we are actually pretty good friends

johnny: but there's something i wanted to ask you

i turn around and look at johnny

he looked serious

i was scared

johnny: ever since i've met you, my life has changed. you are the strongest girl i have ever met. and you inspire me in so many ways. if i know what love is, it's because of you. you have been there for me on my rough days and i have done the same. we truly are destined for each other. with that being said

he pauses

tears were forming in my eyes

johnny: will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend?

i was not expecting that


annie: yes

i hug him tight

annie: i love you

johnny: i love you too

end of chapter 15

this ending was super rushed

but i hope you enjoyed and check out my other story


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