11( Crippled

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(annie's pov)

*the next day*

the doctor is finally letting me go home

I've been here for three days

and I miss my bed

johnny was still sleeping when the doctor came

so I had to get dressed by myself

I carefully roll out of bed

my stomach hurt a little bit from doing that but not too much

I grab my shirt and slip it on

annie: ow

I whisper yell trying not to wake johnny up

I grab my pants

this was gonna be hard

I successfully put one leg in

but not the other

as I was lifting my foot up

I fell

face first

onto the cold hard ground

johnny jumped up and ran over to me

johnny: what are you doing?

he said kind of yelling

annie: I was just trying to put my clothes on

johnny: by yourself?

I nod

johnny: annie you know you need someone to watch you at all times. you haven't even left the hospital yet and you're already hurting yourself

I didn't say anything

johnny: muffin

he says softly

johnny: if you needed help all you had to do was ask

annie: but you were asleep and I wanted to do something by myself for once. ever since I got here I've been in that stupid bed. I couldn't eat by myself. you had to help me. I couldn't shower by myself. you had to help me. and I don't want you to have to help me all the time, you need just as much sleep as I do.

johnny: I know annie. but I'm not the crippled one

I roll my eyes

and johnny helps me put my other leg in my pants

(johnny's pov)

I was tired

really tired

but I needed to help annie

as she was getting back in the bed the doctor came in

doctor: ok julianna. are you ready to go hom-

annie: yes!

doctor: someone's excited?

he says jokingly

I smile

doctor: you just need to fill out some paperwork at the front desk and you're all set!

annie hops out of the bed

doctor and johnny: WOAH WOAH

annie: what?

doctor: you still need to be very careful julianna

annie: ok?

doctor: with that being said, you're not going to be attending school for at least 3 days. we have a note ready for your teacher, it's attached to the paperwork

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